It seemed to be distracting Shannon, whose eyes were firmly glued on the models tits. She's a tits woman, huh, wouldn't have guessed. 

We spent the next half hour looking through the magazine before I noticed Shannon nodding off, almost asleep. I removed myself from the bed, laid her flat, and tucked the blanket around her, before exiting. However, I made sure I grabbed a marker and scrawled across the top of the magazine 'Shannon's Property', leaving the magazine neatly on her bedside table. That will be a treat for Mom to find when she gets home


The day went smoothly, Mom returned home, I went back to my house, and Gio messaged again. Then called. Then called twelve more times. By the thirteenth call, I'd had enough.

Answering, I yelled, "What do you want, Gio? Word of advice, if a girl doesn't pick up the phone the first ten times, bets are, she probably she doesn't want to speak to you!"

"Hey, babe, calm down, okay? I was just checking to make sure you were okay. You weren't at school or answering my texts... or calls," Gio replied.

I took a deep breath, "Yes, Gio, I am okay. Shannon, the woman you met yesterday, she was ill and my mom asked me to look after her. Tomorrow's Friday, how about you come over after school and we can talk then?"

"Sounds good, Linds. I love you, alright?"

"I love you too, Gio," I mumbled, before hanging up the phone. 

After a well-needed sleep, I arrived at school for the last day of the week. Shannon and Mom had already left before I got up, so I caught a ride with Alex. Today was Shannon's first day as a Professor at Penn State, and I wanted to make sure she was feeling alright after yesterday. I was impressed with her speedy recovery, but Mom assured me that sometimes Shannon would just feel ill for a day or two and bounce back pretty fast. 

Splitting from Alex, I walked towards the main office.

"Excuse me, what office is Professor Shannon Monet in?" I asked the nice reception man. 

He looked up the directory before replying, "she is situated in the Physical Science building, level two, office number 13."

"Perfect, thank you!" I chirped, skipping off to the Phy-Sci building. 

When I made it up the bazillion stairs and to room 13, I knocked on the door softly. Hearing no response, I let myself in and marvelled at the spaciousness of the office. In the centre of the room sat a large mahogany desk, easily two metres wide. A cushion-lined swivel-chair sat behind it, which I couldn't help but relax into. One side of the room was fitted with a large bookcase, that matched the desk, while the other side of the room housed a regal sofa. Shannon must have really impressed during her interview! 

This wasn't an office, it was a bloody apartment. Actually thinking about it, the office almost looked as big as my guest house! Note to self: if you ever find yourself homeless, just get a job as a professor and you can live on campus free-of-charge! 

After appreciating the beauty of the office it was clear that Shannon was not there, so I decided I would leave a note. 

A thought came to mind, and I just had to write it down:

To (Miss?Mrs?) Monet,

Germs, just like everyone else, seem to find you irresistible. I hope you are feeling better, and haven't lost that magazine! You never know when you might need to groan as loud as me ;)

By the way, if you magically turned into ice-cream (not impossible)(don't try weed kids), I promise I wouldn't eat you. You know that's big, because you know how much I like ice-cream!

Glad this provided you with a morning laugh (don't even lie, I know it did),

Your very best, most favourite person (and now I guess student? Gee that's weird), 

Lindsay Caldwell  ♡ 

(P.S. sorry about all the brackets (not sorry))

Leaving the most amazing note in the world on Shannon's desk, I departed the office, heading to class.

Halfway through the day I received a text:

Shannon Monet: Thank you for the note, it definitely provided me with a much needed laugh. Get back to work, you shouldn't be on your phone! ☺️

Lindsay: Okay, Miss Boss Lady, but you messaged me, remember?

Shannon Monet: You talking back, Caldwell?

Lindsay: Yes, ma'am!

The screen popped up with the little 'read' icon, followed by the three little writing dots. However, Shannon did not text back, so I slipped my phone back into my pocket and started doing class work like a good girl. 

A large smile was lighting up my face as my phone notified me of another text message. Expecting it to be Shannon, I flipped it over, ready to come up with the smartest smartass remark ever. Instead, it was Gio.

Gio: We still good for tonight? I'll be over at six. 

And just like that, the smile had disappeared from my face, and was replaced with a frown. 

Thanks for reading!

Love, comment, continue reading!

Stay safe xx

-T.J Starc 

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