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It's been a week, and Annabeth's only gotten worse. I should've predicted it, but it still broke my heart to see my Wise Girl grow paler and thinner than she should be. It broke my heart to see her try to throw up foods and fluids that she didn't have.

On the day that mark the week anniversary of the end of the war, Annabeth's gaunt face turned to mine, and I could see the fact that she was going to pass that day. "Percy. I love so much that Aphrodite would be jealous. I'll always remember you, no matter what happens. I love you 3,000," Annabeth said as her breaths became more strangled.

"No. Wise Girl come on! It was gonna be you and me to the end. I love you 3,001," I laid my head on her chest, as her lungs took their last breath. I sobbed, feeling her go limp beneath me, crying out in pain in the fact that my other half was stolen from me.

Will rushed over, as did other Apollo kids, but when they saw it was too late, they stood back and let me mourn. I didn't hear anything else except the silence where her heartbeat should be. A couple minutes later, a hand tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Piper's pained face. "Come on. It's been two hours."

I let her lead me to the dining hall, but none of it felt real. It was as if this was a nightmare, except I didn't really wake up. I vaguely remember Thalia running up and comforting me, then suddenly I was in my cabin, the silence suffocating. I half expected Annabeth to take off her Yankee's cap, and yell, "Surprise!"

Sadly, expectations don't always meet reality. "Hey," Thalia's voice shocked me out of my slump.

"Thalia, I can't be here right now. Everything reminds of her, and how she's never back. I can't have when I'm already dealing with everything else. I wanna escape the demigod world, once and for all. I have a sneaking suspicion you want to too," I confessed, wiping my tears to look at my disheveled cousin. Her pixie hair was frumpy, and her electric blue eyes looked like pure water because of how glossy they are.

"That's an awesome plan Perc, but how would you pull it off? We can never escape them. Plus, my duty of Artimes' lieutenant means I can't quit," Thalia said, sitting next to me, placing a small hand on my back. Damn it, she had a point. Well, points.

Just as I was about to respond, we suddenly flashed to the top of Olympus, where the rest of the Seven (excluding Leo and Annabeth) were waiting, their faces making it clear they were mourning too.

"You've saved the world once again. We owed you all a wish, or immortality if you wish," Zeus' voice boomed, commanding our attention as if we weren't already giving him it. "there are limits; no raising the dead, no wishing for more wishes, and no making anyone else fall in love with you. Holy Kronos we need to update these rules," he squinted at the, small reading glasses and a papyrus scroll suddenly appearing.

"Hazel, my child. What is it you wish for? Or will you accept immortality?" Hades' voice boomed through the meeting room.

"I wish for children to be brought to either camp by the age of 12, no matter the status of their godly parent," she said, staring her father with confidence. Zeus snapped his fingers, and it was done. Frank stepped up next.

"Well, how about you my fierce son?" Ares said, running a hand through his hand. 

 "I wish for my life to be free of the wood. I don't want to live in fear of it," Frank said. Once again, Zeus snapped his fingers. "Piper?" Aphrodite's warning tone seemed indicative to the fact that her daughter was so rebellious that she might challenge the rules.

"I wish . . . I wish for Fetus back. That way we can honor Leo, even if he's not technically here," her quiet tone seemed like a scream in the room, echoing of the walls. When Zeus snapped his fingers, a briefcase appeared in her hand, and a whimpered escaped her.


"I wish for an a portal between the camps, for diplomatic and practical reasons," he said, barely choking back the tears that threatened to spill over again. It was done.

"Percy?" My father asked, staring at me with sadness.

"I wish not be disturbed by any of you, ever again. Or be attacked by monsters. I will fight if camp is so desperate, but only then can you contact me," I said, shocking many of the gods. Other, like Hestia and Hades looked at me with sympathy.

"It's done. We'll see you someday Percy," Father said, as I slowly faded out of Olympus, and onto the doorstep of my moms apartment.

I quickly knocked, and when Paul opened the door, his smile was the biggest I'd ever seen. "Sally, He's back," he yelled as he embraced me, patting my back. When Mom's face appeared, I lost it. I cried into her arms like a child, the reassuring voice of Mom calming me. "Hey honey. It's been a while."

-Say hi to the stars tonight for Bob, will you? Tell Zoe a story as well-

Once I got them up to date, and I had binged an entire plate of Mom's cookies, we sat in silence. Annabeth was a part of my family, whether either of us acknowledged it or not. Her absence was a void, sucking the joy from our reunion.

"Well, I have more bad news. Earlier this week, an envelope showed up that said you were wanted for terrorism by the Avengers. They still haven't dropped the charges apparently," Mom said, grimacing at me. I groaned. What else could go wrong?

-Okay, now can someone tell Bianca hi for me?-

I stood in front of the tower, in awe of it's size. The white beams that held the windows in place looked like it took forever. I'm sorry, I can't really describe buildings that well. It was more Annabeth's suit. I shook my thoughts off as I walked in. Once I told them my name, they had an agent led me towards a black room, with only a table with a mug on it.

I sat there for a few minutes before another agent, a woman with long black hair, bronze skin, brown eyes, led me towards a stairwell. "I'm gonna walk up there with you, okay? We're gonna go scare them, but they're just think you walked in, okay?"

"Yes mam. Who are you?" I asked as we ascended the stairs.

"My name's Avery Griz. I'm Fury's niece, so I can get away with murder. I don't generally do this, but I need to get him back for pranking me on my birthday. I know who you are, so don't try anything punk," we continued to ascend the stairs, until we finally came to a door that opened into a large room. "Go go," she whispered, disappearing down the stairs as I walked in.

I walked in on six people all pointing weapons at me, and another guys in the vent. "Hey, I'm Percy Jackson. You need me for something?"

I needed help- PJO/MCU CROSSOVER [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now