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A/N: THIS CONTAINS OPENING AGE OF ULTRON SPOILERS! Also, let's just pretend that CA:TWS took place after this, and this took place in 2011/12 :) There's also quite a bit of death, so please don't read otherwise!


Two days after my attempt, we arrived at the hydra base that contained Loki's scepter. Everyone had a role, and I was supposed to be in the car with Clint and Nat. As we rolled in, it was clear we had the element of surprise by the way they deployed the men. And that is to say, in a rushed manor.

I had on a skintight, dark blue leather shirt, which had a special harness over it with gun holsters and black long sleeves. They pants were the same as Clint's except mine were the same shade of blue as the top, and black worn combat boots. The guns were a last resort seeing that if I overused my powers I'd become tired.

So, as we rolled into their compound in Sokovia, I was able to move the snow under the soldier's feet drag them down. Then, I finished the job with a bullet to the neck. When we were flung outta the car, I landed sprinting, Cap occasionally giving me a shield boost, and Thor helping me to quickly electrocute the soldier's blood.

I used scrap metal that Thor used like a battering ram,  swinging it around with water and taking out multiple soldiers. I heard Tony curse over the line, and then Steve said the most Steve thing possible. "Language."

If fighting wasn't taking up all of my breaths, laughter would be. They continued to talk about the house, with J.A.R.V.I.S giving us an overview of it. When we heard of how secure it was. Thor said, "Loki's scepter must be here." A few thuds from soldiers falling around him. "Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it," the sharp whine of his hammer returning to him filled the line. He then muttered something that I didn't care to listen for because I was getting decently close to a spot where I could take many out from.

When I got up, I felt the water in the snow, and carefully flung it up like a blanket on a section of the woods which sent soldiers flying. Then I used the water to shut down some bunkers and rush some trucks off the roads. I was hardly tired at this point, but if I kept using my power so liberally, I'd get tired a lot faster. "At long last is lasting a little long boys," Natasha breathed over the line.

"If you guys need help getting into the base I'd be happy to help," I said, diving back into the battle with my fists, taking out many soldiers with a kick to the feet and a jab to the stomach. "Yeah. Think we lost the element of surprise," Clint shot a bunker from behind a tree.

"I think we lost that about ten to twenty minutes ago," I said, calling for Cap to lift me up. He did, and I sprung up, and held myself in the air. I motion for Thor to call a lighting strike down, and I quickly shot water into it, quickly destroying some weapons supply and some soldiers.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said, 'language'?" Tony asked, stilling flying over the base. "I know," Steve responded, sounding regretful as he rode through cross fire. Then he did something that made many soldiers yell. "Just slipped out," he breathlessly answered, continuing on.

When I heard, "Clint's hit," over the line, I became worried. That guy knew how to defend himself and get outta harms way, so why didn't he? Then, Cap reported, "We have an enhanced on the field," and it made sense. Cap and I collaborated, with me splash water down like a pressure hose onto his shield, causing the surrounding men to get cut down the center, or where ever it hit.

"Like me enhanced? What'd he do?" I analyzed, quickly pulling my guns out and hitting a car of men. "I dunno know. Any of your gods have super speed?" Steve asked, the shing of his shield cutting through the air. "Okay, so not like me then," I ruled the option out, running through everything in my head. Nothing came up, but it could be a very very minor god/goddess.

"Someone wanna deal with that bunker?" Nat asked. We then heard Bruce roaring, running through the bunker, turning it to rubble. "Thank you," Nat said in a small voice.

"Stark, we really need to get inside," Steve grunted, hitting another. I thought to pull a hat trick out, so I summoned some strength, and rose off the ground. "Anyone near? Because if so, you might wanna move," I said over the ear pieces.

"All clear Percy," I heard J.A.R.V.IS. say, and that was all I needed. I grabbed everything with water in it within a five miles radius, and flung my arms together, causing hundreds of soldiers to collide in the center and die on impact. I panted as I landed, the world wavy for a minute, then clearing up.

"Closing in," Tony reported, skidding on the ice. A minute later, Tony updated, "Drawbridge is down people!"

"I'll meet you in the main room," I said, sprinting up the castle steps, fighting the soldiers in my way. I met Tony in the main room, where I found him downloading and copying files, sending them over to Maria Hill. After that sent, and we were sure that the location we needed wasn't on the files, we looked around. When we saw nothing outta the ordinary, Tony asked, "Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick."

"The wall to your left. I'm reading steel reinforcement, and an air current," J.A.R.V.I.S announced not even a second after the orange scan light bounced of the walls. "Let's do this," I muttered as Tony and I walked to the place J.A.R.V.I.S mentioned.

"Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door," Tony half-prayed when we got over there, pushing the wall. It slid right open, and I whispered, "Yay!" We walked inside, and it was a dark, almost train tunnel like tunnel, with white circle lights illuminating the way. "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage," Steve's voice rung through my ear, and left me wondering why great Olympus he said 'female'.

"Guys, I got Strucker," Cap reported, when Tony and I walked into a large, large room with all sorts of instruments that gave me nightmares just looking at them. "Cap, I think Tony and I got ya beat," I said, looking wide-eyed at the alien hanging from the ceiling. The fear in Tony's eyes was prominent, and I realized this must've been what terrorized New York.

There were bins upon bins of random scrap parts, all with stuff that could've kept Leo busy for hours. Then, Tony laid his eyes on the prize. Loki's scepter, surrounded by blue crackling energy, was stood up straight, surrounded by what was probably an electrical field. "Thor, we go it," I said, turning my head away for a split second to check for something. I thought I heard someone.

I turn my head around, and Annabeth is lying on her death bed, surrounded by campers of all ages and heritage, with holes and stab wounds lining their bodies. "Annabeth?" I whispered looking in horror at her skin starting to swell, turning purple and blue, making everything puff up. With that, the rest of the bodies did too. "Percy? Why didn't you stop her? Why didn't you stop Arachne? I COULD'VE LIVED! Annabeth wailed, dying in my arms again.

Once again, I looked up from her, and was back on the battle field, except this time, my friends were alive but in deep pain, reaching for me from the ground, begging for help. "PERCY!" Hazel wailed, sinking into the ground, her mouth filling with diamonds. "HELPPP!" Piper cried, before having her throat ripped out. "WHY OH WHYYY?" Frank shouted, his wood burning in a camp fire, the rest of the camps singing the happiest song to go along with his death.

"Perc. Perc?" I heard Tony's voice, snapping me outta my trance. I looked up at his face, his eyes wary now. "Come on. We have to get the scepter and get outta here," Tony said, and I numbly nodded, just wanting to get away from here. "1,2,3!" Tony counted down, my cue being make water shift the scepter upwards, for an easier grab. Tony then grabbed it with the iron gauntlet.

We then sprinted out of there, and for once, I truly didn't look back.

I needed help- PJO/MCU CROSSOVER [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя