Chapter Four.

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  I woke up at 9.30am, and the plans today were to visit Adda sabeeha since it's been two weeks since the wedding and I only went there during the wedding which doesn't count. I waddled sleepily to the kitchen where I found umma sadiya peeling some potatoes, I greeted her groggily, made myself a cup of tea and sat in the kitchen with her making small talks here and there , because well, that's what really wakes us up right?

  Ughhh! I'm so not a morning person, I usually take like ten minutes to reboot before I'm actually able to function properly and my morning tea is another helpful boost.

   I finished the tea, washed my cup and kept it in its place " ummah let me freshen up, I'll come and make egg sauce for the chips" I offered, which she nodded with a smile.

   "oh mama Ina kwana" I greeted mama who walked into the kitchen already dressed in her A-shaped gown ready for the day, unlike me mama was such a morning person, she usually wakes up by 7am, freshens up immediately and makes Abba's breakfast, which he eats then goes out. And she visits her store later in the day. Mama owns a jewelry store were they sell all sorts of women's jewelries and accessories.

  She answers my greeting and I quickly make my way to my room to get ready, I take my bath and dress up in a black straight skirt with silky short sleeved gray top to match my mood, I wasn't feeling very sunny today. I keep my gray veil for later when I go out and head to the kitchen to make the sauce.

   I found that the sauce had already been made, it seemed like I took too long in the bathroom as usual. " who is going to wait for you to take your time" mama tsked, "I've already made the sauce" she added and I smiled sheepishly.

  We all ate breakfast. I saw two missed calls from Nurain and one from Sabeer who had driven one of the cars that took our relatives back to Katsina and I'm sure he's coming back today.

  I dialed Nurain first and he didn't pick up, he must be busy at the office. I then dialed Sabeer and picked up at the third ring.

  " yo chipmunk" he said breezily and I rolled my eyes.

  " Kai baa maka gwaninta, I even called to check up on you and this is how you repay me" I ranted.

"shut up jhor, I'm sure it's because I called you first" I glare at the phone like he was in front of me.

  " whatever, at least I called back" I pointed out.

  " okay fine, you have tried" he dismissed " tell mama that I'm on my way back".

  "okay safe journey" I replied and he hung up. I scoffed, rude much!

It was 11am already so wore a Grey open Abaya and wrapped the veil over my head in a criss cross across my shoulder, I applied my powder, a pink lip tint and my signature wingliner. Keeping it simple as always.

  I grabbed my bag and stuffed it with my phone and charger and other stuff before I sprayed my perfume. Good to go.

  This is one of the only times I wished sabeer was around, if he was here he would've dropped me off. I sighed, if Abba had allowed me to start driving I would have just taken mama's car, ugghhh, being a middle child am I right? And Nurain must be busy right now, I tried dialing him again and he picked up immediately.

  "didn't you see my missed calls, so if I didn't call now you wouldn't have returned my call" I complained immediately he picked up, I knew he was busy but this is me being dramatic as always😏.

  " no I just came out of a meeting I was about to call you" he defended himself, I imagined him raising his hands up in surrender and I stifled my laugh.

  " bawani it's because I'm not important" I stated in a mock serious tone.

   "du'aaaaa" he drawled sighing tiredly, now I imagined him rubbing his temple with one hand over the phone, and I burst out laughing.

  " hey I was just kidding" I giggled and he groaned " I'm sorry".

  " no you just like stressing me out" he grumbled "at this rate I'll start sprouting a few Grey hairs".

  " I said I'm sorry naw a'ahh" I whined, he was blowing this out of proportion, yeah we could both be dramatic like that.

  " fine, so how are you doing today" he changed the topic and I briefed him all about what I did today since I woke up, even the tiniest little detail, he listened earnestly and laughed at my craziness.

  "... And that was how I ended up wearing black and Grey because it matched my mood when I woke up" I concluded.

  "wow someone was busy today" he teased.

  "I know right, I was sooooo exhausted" I played along laughing.

  " well I wish I could get away from the office and take you but you know the boss is around today" he stated "but make sure you take a picture of the number of the vehicle and send it to me."

  " sheesh dad, I'm sure I can take care of myself perfectly" I stated matter of factly, he can be so protective sometimes, soo annoying.

  " I know that you're a big girl now" he mocked " but seriously Du'a make sure you send it to me just to be safe." he insisted.

  "fiiinee" I sighed defeatedly there is no stopping him.

   "thank you, I have to get back to work now so I'll call you later okay".

  " okay bye, my regards to the boss" I teased, he laughed and hung up.

  Nurain worked for his dad whom he referred to as the boss, because of how serious and strict minded he was. Being third out five children three of whom are males he was the only one who studied business .

  His parents had five children, the eldest son was Yaya farouq(the hottest soldier I've ever seen😂) , the second was Yaya Ahmad a charming doctor( such a gentleman🥰) and that leaves nurain the third born(and the annoying one 🙄😏) to take over the company when their father retired. The rest were two girls Afra and Hamra who were both still in secondary school.

  I was actually very acquainted with nurain's family, they were nice and just such a lovely family. And surprisingly his strict and serious father also liked me a lot, which was rare.

  Anyways I stood on our street for like five minutes and  there wasn't a single vehicle in sight been that our street was not very busy, so I walked to the main road at the end of the street.

  I hailed a Keke told him the address, and then took a picture of the plate number before sending it to baba nurain ( note the sarcasm😑). I notice a black Toyota, one of the latest versions driving behind us, it was so beautiful and one of my favorite cars that I know I had a hope of maybe getting( I said maybe😂), the rest are just dream cars😒.

  We arrived and I got off in front of Adda sabeeha's gate and paid the man. I strutted towards the gate and knocked but there was no one to open it. It was a nice new modern neighborhood and there wasn't much hustle and bustle but there were a few vehicles here and there, I was about to call Adda when a deep husky voice startled me almost making me drop my phone and barely stopping it from falling to the ground .

  " hey there" I spun around startled, heaving and holding onto my phone for dear life😂.

  It was the same Toyota that I had seen in the traffic.


just kidding🙃🤣, this is just the beginning. So who's in the car?? It's obviously a guy since he has a deep voice duhh! Or is our Du'a been kidnapped🤔😱.

How do you like protective Nurain💪Share your thoughts💕.









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