Yamdere!Possesive! Duke

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You're all Duke's, so why would you need anything but him?
~request from tumblr~
Warnings: yandere, mild mentions of torture/ death, not romanticised, read at your own risk, some aspects of 'abusive relationship'

• I headcanon duke as the possessive and jealous type

•He can and he will steal you away from everyone

•Friends, family you name it, you're his and only his

•No one but him should be able to talk to you freely, or even look at your beautiful face without permission

•He would brag about you all the time, none stop

•Everything he says always leads back to you and how perfect you are

•But if someone else was to comment on it?

•His personality would do a complete 180 and he would scowl at the vermin who dare speak about you, positive or negative he'll ruin them

•He'll attack insults at all the personas faults and insecurities making them loose their mind

•But let's go back to you

•You're his prize possession

•You're not allowed out without him, not even if you sweet talk and beg him he won't crumble, but your sweet words do melt him and make him fall in love with you all over again and even deeper than before

•Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

•He's always got to be holding you and he wants you at his side at all times, unless he decides to take you away from anything then you'll be locked in an abandoned apartment that's on the outskirts of domino city

•He loves to touch you

•Always touching

•And if you refuse his touch?

•He'll get angry and make you let him touch you

•And you will enjoy it

•He's all over you

•But if you try to escape?

•He'd be absolutely livid and would lash out on you by shouting, I'm not too sure if he'd get physically, but he might grab your arm or jaw right in his grasp but I don't think he's scar you purposely

•If he hadn't already he would lock you away from everyone and would not let you out at all, but he'd slightly hint to people that the he thought about you a lot by talking about you and not mentioning about your disappearance

•Little did they know..

•He knew exactly where you were and was not letting you go for as long as you live

•So buckle down and you'll eventually learn to love him:)

409 words.

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