General! Yandere! Yugi Motou

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Warnings: Yandere themed

                        General Yandere Headcanons:

Yugi is more of a sees you and is fascinated by you but doesn't make any moves to know you personally, at least not yet. He'll first be entranced by your smile, which his first encounter when you defeated Joey when he went round challenging every person in his site. (And ultimately loosing most of them you know how it is-)


Poor yugi baby doesn't even realise his eyes are constantly in your direction, and his thoughts plagued with you until Yami mentions it to him, and even then it takes him a few days to come to terms with it

(Which Yami is super confused about cause ain't yugi supposed to be about oooo Friendship ooo duel monsters and the such?)

And if you thought that was hard to believe, he doesn't even realise that he's interested in you, like, at all smh

God help when Joey introduces you to the rest of the gang,, cause tri head over here will be all over you without even meaning to smh,, bb just wants you to be safe and sound with him and he ion even know why silly boy

(Does he even realise?)

And even after he starts to feel foreign negative emotions when he sees you get flustered from a comment Duke made

This boy deadass thinks everything he does that involves you is helping you in some way or is how you should be treated smh

My guy KNOWS that No guy, girl, or non binary person deserves you, so of course he finds it within himself to keep you tucked safely within his grasp<3

But you'll need more than the Egypt gods to help you if you ever mention that he's making you even remotely uncomfortable because sissy, it won't work out in your favour smh

Bb takes it as he should do more so good luck talking to people for more than 2 seconds :D

Wants you to himself and no body else <333

Short stack over here doesn't even let anybody GLANCE at you and live to tell the mofo tale I tell you 👏

Just don't disobey him because he'll love you in a painful way if not 😎

{ let's ignore the terrible quality and long wait, sissy has no excuse and hopes this is okay-}

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