Serenity x Ghoul! S/O

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Serenity founds out your little secret and it goes better than expected
~request from tumblr~

Warnings: mentions of eating human flesh really?

•Okay so you know in battle city where Serenity gets
her bandages taken off?

•Yeah? Good because that's where it's semi based
Okay so it's late at night, as in, hardly any ones out and it's pitch black

•Serenity was at home alone and was getting worried because joey wasn't home yet, the natural brother-sister yugioh relationship style

•So Serenity decided to go look for him because she couldn't sit still whilst he could be in trouble

•So it's dark, it's a bit muggy and it's raining just a little bit

•And because Serenity hasn't long had her bandages off (this is the same day) she's still adjusting to being able to see properly and clearly again
•So she's waiting at the cross lights and it turns green for her to walk, but because it was muggy she couldn't see the head lights speeding towards her

•Turning her head at the squeaking of the wheels Serenity's eyes widen and memories of her and joey when they were younger, and Serenity and her S/O walking along the beach and messing around at home, came flashing before her eyes

•Then she was hit and died

•Jk jk this ain't angst-


•Unless 👀

•Jk jk

•Before Serenity was hit a blur came shooting across the road and knocked Serenity out of the way and

•Into a small and unnoticeable alleyway, away from potential prying eyes

•You were out looking for a something small to eat, something that wouldn't make you feel guilty for eating, ie bullies. Eating other ghouls made you a little guilty, unless they were killing innocence then you didn't feel anything but rage

•Opening her eyes Serenity see's s figure hunched over her with spider like legs out of the persons bag and black and red eyes staring into her soul

•With a scream she pulls her self away and cries "Joey! Joey help me! Y/N!"

•Ofc you're shocked that she didn't realise it was you, before you realised how you looked

•"Serenity! Serenity please calm down it's me! Y/N! I swear it! I'd never hurt you!" Desperation clear in your voice Serenity stops screaming and lets her eyes adjust to your appearance

•"Y-Y/N?" The shakiness and insecurity in her voice almost splits you in two but you managed to keep a hold of your self

•"Yes Serenity it's me."

•"W-why do you Look like.. like.. like that? Are you okay? Are you h-hurt?"

•Hearing the curiosity in her silky voice instead of fear brought tears to your eyes but you blinked them away quickly before she saw

•With a small voice you try to explain

•"Im not hurt, I'm a ghoul Serenity,"

•"A ghoul? Like a ghost, or a spirit?"

•"No.. we uHm, we feed on" with a shamed full voice you try to spit the words out

•"On what Y/N? I promise I'll always love you no matter what, and that's a promise!"

•Hearing her saw that made a crystal tear fall from your eye and slide down your flush cheeks to meet the floor beneath

•With a gasp Serenity scurried forward and rubbed your tears away

•"Tell me Y/N.. what is it that you feed on?"

•"Human Flesh"

•You could see the clogs turning in her head and she stated In confusion and with a gleam of uncertainty in her eyes

•"Human.. flesh?"
Pulling away from her hold your eyes downcast and look off to the side

•"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner I just.. fell so I'm love with you and I didn't want to loose you.." shooting your heard up abruptly you speak with panic " I swear that I don't kill innocence! I don't really have a choice as I can only feed on humans or other ghouls! I swear I only eat and people like like like bullies! Or or or murders and or and or uHm-"

•You get cut off when a pair of lips kiss the corner of your mouth

•Realising what happened you flushed pink
"It's okay Y/N, you were doing what you had to, to survive, I don't blame you for that, as long as you don't attack innocence I'm okay with it,,, I'll admit I'm still a bit adamant with you.. killing.. but if it's what you have to do to survive and for me to hold you in my arms then so be it"

•The determination in her eyes brought more tears cascading down your cheeks, all of which were quickly brushed away by Serenity

•"Oh Serenity," you mumble pull her into a hug " I really don't deserve you."

•"No," she pulls away to look into your faded red and black eyes, "you deserve much more"

•Before she leans in and kisses you tenderly in the lips as the drizzle of rain started to lighten

812 words.

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