Domestic! (ish?) Joey

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Surprising your boyfriend of how many years if he'd like his dinner, bath, or you.
~Request off tumblr~
Warnings: fluff, slight sexual hinting

• You'd been dating for quiet a few years now and you and joey always pull little pranks on each other, send Tik Tok's back and forth and do silly things with each other

•So you thought, "why not take things up a notch and do something a little more.. creative?"

•So that's what you did

•You ran the bath in your apartment that you two rented together, (which was more than enough as it was only you two and you two were happy with this cozy apartment).

•You found some candles laying around that you two made when you two came across a candle making video at 2AM last month

•Placing them around the bath without lighting them you rushed down stairs to get started on joey's favourite dinner

•Duel monster nuggets and duel monster shaped spaghetti

•Like Dino nuggies and sketti but w duel monsters lol

•Platting it all up you huff a breath of smugness for doing everything in less than an hour

•Rushing up stairs you dig into the back of your closet to get the apron you brought for a laugh but never wore and forget to show joey

•Which turned out way more convenient that you realised

•It was a pink apron that said "kiss the dueler(?)" with a picture of dark magician girl on the side and a odd mark on the right corner

that defo wasn't kaiba's brand- definitely not-

•Putting it over your ripped jean shorts/trousers/etc and white crop/shirt/top/ etc you tie it behind you in a pretty bow

•As you were about to leave the room to wait by the kitchen you realised the bed that you told joey to make before he left was unmade :)

•A tick mark formed above your head as you grumpily made the bed and smothered out the sides

•Quickly lightning the candles in the bathroom you start to drag your feet to the entrance to the kitchen as you waited slightly impatiently 

•Hearing the door click open your expression soften

•But seeing his sheepish expression with that wide smile of his made your heart melt and the previously unmade bed was long forgotten

•"Sorry I'm late, got caught up with yuge"

•It warmed your heart even more to hear him speak so happily about his childhood best friend

•"So what's with the get up? I doubt ya going out in a apron?"

•With your hands behind your back you look him dead in the eyes and asking him a simple question

•"Welcome home, would you like dinner, a bath, or me?"

•The Brooklyn mans face went beat red as he started to flail his arms around

•"this ain't a trick question is it Y/N 'cause I just about failed- I mean passed my exams back in high school. Is this a multiple choice question or is there just one answer 'cause all three sound like fun-"

•Before he could ramble on more you halt him

•"Whatever you want joey," you smile not so innocently "dinner, bath, me?"

•Stopping his flailing he grabs you by your shoulders

•"does this mean I can have all three!? 'Cause boy am I starving, and it would be nice to relax in the bath forra a bit."

•He turns you around and pushes you towards the kitchen

•"Let's go eat before all of ya food ya made goes cold yeah? Then we can bath and then I can ravish you to my hearts content yeah!!"

•His enthusiasm flustered you a bit but you let him turn you around once again

•"Oh yeah, I forgot to do this"

•He stole your lips into a chaste kiss before pulling back and smiling at you cheekily

•"Now your turn"

•Rolling your eyes you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him towards you

•"Oh joey what am I going to do with you"

•"Eventually marry me and have kids?"
* Pressing your lips against his you mumble something against his lips before relishing into the feeling

•"I'd like that"
694 words.

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