Chapter Seven: Orion Pax. Part Two

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So, Starscream came back not that long after Arcee was kicked off. He was trying to steal some Energon and found Orion working on Project Iacon. But troopers found him and shot him down while he tried to escape. Now Megatron has given me the task of speaking with Orion about the incident. Why he isn't doing it, I don't know but I went anyway. I walked in to see Orion still working.

"Orion," I said getting his attention, "I'm so sorry for the recent commotion. You were not in any way harmed, were you?

"No, Commander (Y/N). But why did Lord Megatron tell me Starscream was dead?" Orion asked

"Because he is dead to our Cause. Starscream was Megatron's most trusted lieutenant. Until he turned traitor and joined the Autobots. Never have I witnessed a more profound act of deceit. He didn't do or say anything troubling to you?"


"Good. Perhaps it's best to forget the entire incident and return to your project," I said starting to leave

"As you wish, Commander."

The door closed behind me and I got worried about what Starscream might've said to Orion. I went to Megatron and told him what Orion had said in our short meeting.

"Orion was never very adept at the art of deception. I made a mistake not terminating Starscream when I had the opportunity. A mistake I do not intend to make again!" Megatron said

But things only got worse from there. I think Starscream did say something to Orion because he started to do research on Optimus Prime. We had switched out the original photo of Optimus with his second in command, Ultra Magnus. They look similar so it's a good cover-up. But Orion managed to hack through the inscriptions that were keeping him from the truth and he saw who the real Optimus was. And it was him. But we need to keep him believing that he's just Orion Pax to keep him working on the database.

We can't let him turn on us with only a few entries completed. They're locations that were all on Earth. So we didn't have to go far to get whatever was there. But I think Megatron wants everything decoded before we start looking. But Orion has stopped his work. After seeing the research he was doing on himself, he just didn't do anything. Megatron took me to him to ask him if he's made any more progress on the Database.

"Orion! Have you made progress with project 'Iacon'?" Megatron asked him

"It seems I am a bit rustier than I thought," Orion lied

"Might that have anything to do with the nature of your after-hours research?" I asked him

"Did I fail to mention that we will be tracking your activities?" Megatron said pulling up Orion's search on Optimus.

"Why does history portray me siding with the Autobot aggressors? And why did Starscream call me a Prime? I must know! Who am I?" Orion asked

"You are my clerk. Now get back to work and decode that database."

Orion hesitated, "No. I would rather erase my findings than make them available for your questionable use."

Orion pressed a button that erased everything. He tried to leave the room but Megatron laughed and pressed the same button that showed all his work still there. 

"Did you really think that we wouldn't be tracking and documenting every iota of your invaluable research?" Megatron asked him

Soundwave walked in and showed something had been activated on Cybertron

"One of the sentries was activated on Cybertron?" I asked

"You told me our planet was dead," Orion said to Megatron

"That is beside the point. Guards!" Some guards walked in, "You will finish project 'Iacon' by the time I return," Megatron let out his sword, "or I will carve out your Spark before your very eyes!"

Megatron lost the kind act. After that threat, we left to see what was happening that the sentry had been activated. Soundwave revealed that our new Spacebridge was set for Cybertron and remained open. Megatron knew this was the Autobots trying to use something called Vector Sigma to bring back Optimus Prime. I'd like to see them try. Even with this 'Vector Sigma', how do they plan to use it on Orion when we have him? Megatron left to go to the Spacebridge and handle the Autobots while I was left in charge.

Not that I think it did me any good. Orion left his work and came after me asking where Megatron was. I wasn't going to tell him. As he has me in the air by my hood, he said that, if I took him to Megatron, he would make sure I had a safe landing. He planned to drop me?! He's like three stories tall! I could break something or die! Not wanting either of those to happen, I said I'd take him to Megatron.

He put me on a control panel where I opened a groundbridge to Megatron's location. But Orion had the bright idea of taking me with him in case I tricked him. Someone has trust issues. I went through first to see Megatron waiting in front of the Spacebridge. 

"Come, Arcee. So that I might end the lineage of the Primes for all time," Megatron said with a smirk in his voice.

"I cannot allow that to happen, Megatron," Orion said walking through a Groundbridge portal

Megatron turned to see us and I gave him a rather regretful look. 

"And why should you care, Orion Pax? You are no Prime," Megatron said

"That may be true. Or yet another deception? But this much I do know: My sympathies lie with the Autobots and you are not one of us," Orion said making his swords appear.

He charged towards Megatron but he blocked Orion's attack and punched him in the stomach. Orion collapsed.

"Your Spark may be at the right place, Orion," Megatron hit him down onto his stomach, "But you have much to learn before you can hope to ever again stand your ground against me. A moment, sadly, which shall never come."

Megatron was ready to attack again when Arcee jumped him from behind. The human I met in the mines appeared too with a key card. That must be what they plan to use to bring Optimus back! I was about to run over but Megatron caught me and told me to stay where I was. I only did what I was told because I was already scared of what would happen to me just for bringing Orion here. Megatron eventually pinned Arcee to a wall and asked for whatever it was the human was holding.

Megatron soon saw what was happening over with Orion and the human and looked horrified. He dropped Arcee and ran over to Orion but it was too late. He was now, once again, Optimus Prime. Megatron tried to kill Optimus before it was too late but Optimus blocked the attack and started to fight him. Megatron was thrown to the other side of the room and Optimus asked Ratchet how they all got to the mine. He doesn't remember. Megatron made his way back and the bots shot at him.

I didn't dare intervene because Megatron didn't tell me to do anything and I don't want to get on his bad side. A groundbridge appeared and they all ran through. Megatron yelled out in anger once they disappeared. Megatron turned to me who hadn't moved since he told me to stay.

"Why didn't you tell me the human had the Matrix?!" Megatron asked storming over.

"I tried to stop them but you told me to stay. What else was I supposed to do?" I asked backing away. 

"Tell me!" 

Feeling very threatened and my fox side not helping me in this situation, I ran off. I didn't leave the cave, I just went further in to escape Megatron's anger. It's just instinct when people yell. Foxes get scared easily by that. I just wish I didn't because I might've made the situation worse. 

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