Chapter 24

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Thank you so much for all your ideas. I had some of the ideas already but some of them I am going to take bits starting the next chapter!! I will mention those people whose ideas I am using in the next chapter!

Keith Urban was awesome!!! Made me a little sad though cause I know that in about 9 months One Direction will be doing their Take Me Home tour there. I really want to go but the tickets are all sold. :(

So if there are any Queensland fans that have a spare ticket for the Brisbane Entertainment centre and they are looking for someon to take Please Please consider me!!! lol

Not sure when my next update will be as I am going away this weekend and because I have changed the ending to make it longer I may not have a chance to write it up!! so please be patient with me!!

Please keep Voting, Commenting and Fanning!!

Chapter 24


About an hour later the arena was full. The crowd was pumped. Yelling out ONE DIRECTION. There were girls coming down and standing in front of us. Mum wasn't going to have that as she grabbed my hand and pulled me as close to the stage as we could get. I was squeezed in between a girl who just kept shouting out the boys names and jumping up and down, and mum was on my other side.

Mum nudged my side and gave me her phone, on it was a message from Liam.

Tell your girl to get ready, we are about to come out!

I felt the nerves start to intensify again.

The band made their way onto the stage, the crowd got even louder. Then they began playing the start up to What Makes You Beautiful

All the boys ran on to the stage, As soon as I saw Niall our eyes locked. He smiled at me. I smiled back. I pulled my eyes away and I felt all the other boys looking at me as they began singing. I felt the whole time they were singing they were singing it to me. I felt tears start to fall again.

The girl beside me went even more crazy during our exchange as I think she thought that they were all was looking at her. Poor girl, I will have to grab her number and get them to call her or something.

The song finished and Niall came to the front of the stage. He was so close that if I stretched my arms out I might have been able to touch his leg. The girl beside me was all but trying to climb up on the stage. I had to hide a small smile.

"Hi Mullingar, It is great to be home. Thank you for all coming out tonight on such short notice. But I want you to all know that there is a special reason why we came out here to do this concert. But we are not going to tell you what that is just yet."

"We can tell you something though. We are going to be playing a couple of our new songs from the new album which will be out in a couple of months." Liam said, the crowd went crazy, "But that will be in a little bit. This next song is Moments."

I couldn't take my eyes off Niall during the whole song. It was strange, I was already in love with him but watching him perform up close made me fall in love with him all over again. When he sung his line "I don't want to be without you" he looked straight at me again. I smiled up at him trying really hard not to squeal. I had never been one to fan girl but one more grin from him I might join the girl beside me, who was now crying hysterically.

Nobody Compares To You (Niall Horan) Watty Awards 2013 (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now