Chapter 14

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Wow 200 votes in less then 24 hours!! I knew you could do it!!

I am reading a few stories on here that I have really been enjoying and I would love my beautiful fans to enjoy them as well.

First is by @niallers_dirty_mofo Her story A kiss on the Wrist is probably my favourite fan Fiction that I have ever read!! absolutley lovin it!!

I have also been asked by a few people to read there stories, One I had just started today by @Maddie_Lo1D Her story Postcards has gotten me hooked!! Have a read and vote for it!!

Another I have read is by @Sophieluvsu322, Her story is  As long as you love me and I am also really enjoying that one!!

Find all of the above stories in my reading list!!

If anyone else has a story that they would like me to read just send a post through and I will do my best to read it as soon as I can and if I love it I will post a shout out about it!!

Since you got to 200 votes so quickly I am going to be mean and ask for 300 for the next one!! I know if you want to find out what happens you will vote!!


Paul was standing in front of the elevator waiting for us.  I saw him sigh with relief as he saw us walk in. He turned and walked towards the dining table.  We all looked at each other then followed him.  He had sat down and was waiting for us to sit down with him.  We all sat down and waited for Paul.

“What is going on with you lot.” Paul asked.

We looked at each other, unsure what we were going to tell Paul.

“Do you remember the concert we did at the shopping centre?” Liam said finally.

Paul nodded.

“Well the lady there, Darcie. She was Niall’s girlfriend before X Factor. She broke up with him after we were given the record deal.  He saw her the other day and tried to get her to talk to him, but it didn’t go down to well and she left. Louis took her home and found out that Niall has a little girl that he doesn’t know about.”

I watched as Paul’s eyes widened.

“Ok, what does this have to do with what happened today?” He asked

“Well we went over to see Darcie, to see if we could convince her to tell Niall about Jaimie.  We heard gun shots from across the street and then the guy came across the road and started to shoot other people. Some how he got into Darcie’s building. He shot someone else inside, right outside Darcie’s door. Then the police came and shot him also outside her door.” I said.

“Ok so where is this girl?” Paul asked

“In a room, the floor below us. We didn’t want to leave her there. So I have booked out a room for her and her daughter.” Harry said.

“Alright, Are you sure her child is Niall’s?”

“Positive, she is a mini Niall, but much cuter.” Zayn said.

“Alright well, I have to tell you that Niall has been talking about leaving the band for this girl. So I don’t know if you can convince her to stick around but if you can then do so. I have to go and make sure that you guys weren’t spotted today. Let me know how you go with Niall.” Paul said, He stood up and left.

“What if he does leave? What will happen with the rest of us?” I said

“I guess we need to convince Darcie to tell him.” Liam said

“We have been trying to do that for 2 days and she still won’t budge. I think we need to talk to Niall. Maybe we can convince him to hold out a little bit until we can convince Darcie to tell him.” Harry said.

Nobody Compares To You (Niall Horan) Watty Awards 2013 (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now