Chapter 23

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Hello Beautiful Readers!! Sorry I have only been able to update every 2 days I have almost used up all my internet data on my phone and I still have 10 days until it resets O.o SO I am trying to upload when I go to someones house who has proper internet... which I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and organise for my home soon!!!

So the competetion I mentioned in the last chapter is not so much as a competeion but rater the predictions on what you think will happen after this chapter!!! I only have about one more chapter after this that I have written so I may even take some of your ideas and use them in the story!! I will dedicate the chapter to you!! So get your minds working and let me know what you think should happen!!

 Much Love!!


10 minutes later we were in the car driving down town.  We pulled into the concert arena.

I frowned. “Mum what are we doing here?”

“Well the weirdest thing happened today at work. Anyway some band was giving away free tickets for a concert here tonight and I grabbed 2 for us.”

“A free concert, you realise mum it is probably so.....” I stopped as I saw a sign hanging outside


“Mum, No we can’t.” I could feel myself start to panic. I couldn’t sit there and watch Niall for 2 hours. Not after what happened yesterday.

“Come on baby, I haven’t heard them live. I really want to see them.”

“Well you can see them without me. I can’t go in there.”

“You have to, I got the best tickets.”

“Mum I just met them the other day, I have seen them, and they gave me hugs. One even broke my heart, Please don’t make me do this.”

Mum shook her head, and then she turned to me. “It's time Darc. You and Niall need to sort this all out. You have a child together. You both love each other and if you both don’t start communicating then you are both going to continue to get hurt. How do you think it would work?  Niall knows about Jaimie now, you can’t keep her from him, he will have to be included in decisions, If you can’t work out how to be together then at least work out how you can become friends for Jaimie's sack.”

She got out of the car; I just sat there staring at nothing for a few moments. Slowly I got out of the car.  I knew my mum was right and I knew that she wasn’t going to give up.

She smiled at me as I walked around to where she was waiting.

“Do you love him Darcie?” She said. I looked at her for a moment.

“Yes.” I whispered

“Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry did this all for you.” She said smiling.

“Niall wouldn’t have, not after yesterday.”

“Yeah well when I spoke to him this morning he was begging me for my help.”

“You spoke to him?”

“Yes Darcie.”

“That boy and his friends set this whole thing up for you. Niall loves you, He deserves to know his daughter and if he wants to make a go of it with his daughters mum then I think he should be allowed, especially when I know his daughters mum loves him back. You can’t keep sacrificing your life for everyone else’s. You have to learn to love yourself darling.”

Wow where did my mum learn to give all these speeches. I smiled at mum as she grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the arena. Mum directed me through the turnstile and we showed our tickets. All around us were screaming girls, there were girls all lined up on the one side waiting for a glimpse of the boys coming in. 

“Come on Darling. They are already here.” Mum whispered

I nodded and we walked up the stairs to the seating area.

We found our door number and then started to make our way to our seats.  As we started to get closer and closer to the stage, I began squeezing mums hand tighter.

“Calm down darling.”

“We are too close mum, I have seen them perform, we should give our tickets to someone else. And we should sit up the back.” I said starting to panic as I realised we were heading for the front row. I would talk to Niall after the concert but I didn’t want to be sitting so close. I didn’t want him to tell everyone about me.

“Darcie. This concert is for you. We are not swapping our tickets.” Mum said as we came to the front row and found our way to our seats. They were front and centre; I sat down and put my head in my hands. 

I sat up and looked around not many people were in here yet. I think they must have been waiting outside for the boys to come past.  I looked around at the stage, they had done such a great job considering they must have only been planning this yesterday. On the screen the boy’s pictures kept flashing over and over.

I saw movement to the side of the stage. I saw Louis and Liam poke their heads out. I saw them smiling when they saw me sitting there.  They snuck down of the stage and came and crouched down in front of me and mum.

They both had big grins of their faces.

“You must be Sarah,” Liam said giving mum and hug, “Thank you so much for all your help.”

He turned to me. “Thank you for coming Darc.” He said giving me a hug.

“Why did you guys tell him?” I whispered.

I watched as Liam and Louis looked at each other.

“Because you lied to him and told him that you fell out of love with him. He was a mess. He started punching the wall. We told him because we thought it would calm him down.” Liam said

“But then he left and came and saw you.”

“Where he told me, he never wanted to see me ever again.”

 ‘Shh, it’s ok,” Louis said as he hugged me. “If he really never wanted to see you again, do you think he would be here today.”

Louis pulled back to look at me. He wiped the tears from my eyes.

“Is he still mad at me?”

“Maybe a little, but I think he loves you so much that it doesn’t matter.”

I nodded. He wiped my tears away again, He stood up and kissed me on the forehead.

“We have to go back stage before to many more people come down otherwise we will get mobbed.” Liam said laughing. “Thanks again for coming Darcie. It was nice to finally meet you Sarah.”

I sat there and processed what Louis had said to me. ‘If he never wanted to see you again, do you think he would be here today’ I looked around this huge arena. I pulled out my phone and clicked into twitter.  I went straight to Niall’s page. There were 2 new posts  

The first one was from this morning

Directioners FREE concert in Mullingar tonight limited tickets collect from Mullingar Library

I remembered mum saying something about the concert being free. If the wasn’t getting money from the tickets then it meant that the boys were fronting the cost of this concert. I put my hand over my mouth as I realised how much that could have been. All for me.

I shook my head slightly then looked back at my phone the most recent tweet read.

Nobody Compares to You.

I closed my eyes and smiled. Maybe this could work.


Remember to send through your ideas!!

Probably won't be able to update until wednesday now as I am going to see Keith Urban on Tuesday night!!

I have also got another one Direction Fan Fic in my head... I was trying to get away from writing another one but this one is stuck in my head... so keep an eye out for that in the next few weeks!!

Vote Fan and Comment!! MUCH LOVE!!

Nobody Compares To You (Niall Horan) Watty Awards 2013 (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now