I looked over at Niall; he was playing with a little box. He looked up at me.

“Do you think I should get a new ring? I mean this one cost me about $500, but I could get a much better one now.” Niall asked us.

“I think that one is perfect Ni. She doesn’t seem the type that needs a big fancy ring.” Louis said.

Niall went back to looking at the ring. He smiled and the nodded.

“Ok well we may as well get the message ready to send. We can send it in 5 minutes.” I said.

We grabbed our phones and logged on to twitter.

We all wrote the same message; we waited for 5 more minutes before sending it through.

Directioner’s FREE concert in Mullingar tonight limited tickets collect from Mullingar Library.


Our fans were going crazy, In 10 seconds I think I had about 5000 retweets already.

“I better text Sarah and let her know that we have sent it.” Liam said as he began typing on his phone again.

“What if Sarah can’t convince Darcie to come. What if we have done all this and she doesn’t turn up.” Niall said.

“If she doesn’t come, then we will give your hometown one hell of a show. Tomorrow you can go and see Jaimie and Darcie and prove to her that you made a mistake the yesterday.” Liam said

“But what about singing the new songs, we could get in a lot of trouble.” Niall asked.

“I spoke to Paul; He doesn’t think it will be a problem if it is just the 2 songs. We already sung Change My Mind to her.”

“Yeah that was just to Darcie, this is a proper live show.”

“It's ok, If Paul rings me and tell me we can’t do them then we will do something different.”

“No stuff Paul and management, they are our songs and if we want to sing them we will,” I said “None of the other songs from the last album will work as well as those too.”

 “Thank you guys for all that you are doing for me.” Niall said

We all got up and gave Niall a hug. “We are your best friends, brothers. We will always be here for you.” I said.

“I didn’t sleep much last night so I think I will go and have a lay down for a bit.” Niall said as we all broke away from our hug.

“Me too.” I said.

The other boys mumbled something about doing the same thing.

We all made our way to our rooms.


I lay down on the bed and took out my phone and looked in to my daughters eyes.  I was still a bit  mad at Darcie for keeping her from me, but hopefully this concert would help me show Darcie how much I love her, how much I have missed her, and that I don’t want to ever be without her.

I couldn’t wait to meet Jaimie and get to know her. I loved her so much and yet I hadn’t even held her, I was sad that I had already missed out on so much of her life already, but I knew that even if Darcie and I didn’t fix things, I was going to be a part of Jaimie’s life.

I couldn’t wait to hear her laugh and talk. I was jealous of Louis, Zayn, Harry and Liam for already knowing her. 

I really hoped that the plan worked, I didn’t want to be without either of them. I was worried that she would hear about the concert and refuse to come, but I would do what Liam said and go to her house and if I had to camp out at her house until she forgave me for what I said then I would.

A few hours later I came out of my room. I didn’t really sleep, I was too nervous about tonight. The boys were all there stilling around watching a movie.

“Sarah just called; the tickets were all gone in 2 hours.” Liam said.

“Wow, that’s crazy. When do we leave?”

“I think maybe in an hour, we will do a sound check and have a relax like normal.” Louis said.

I nodded, I was feeling so nervous, I turned and went back to my room.  I grabbed my phone and opened up the Twitter app.  I read through some of my mentions. After I did that I opened a new tweet. I thought about it for a moment then typed out

Nobody Compares To You

I closed the app down stood up. I grabbed my guitar and walked out of the room.

The boys were still watching the movie. I saw Liam looking at me.

“Come on guys, Niall wants to go.” He said smiling.

 The nerves doubled in a couple of seconds, I took a deep breath. This was it!


I have so many new readers that I would love to know where you are all from again?? Also I would love to know who your favourite One Direction guy is??

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Nobody Compares To You (Niall Horan) Watty Awards 2013 (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now