I wish people start using their head in the matters of love instead of foolishly and blindly following the trends of having a romantic partner no matter what. The moral of the story is don't act like a romantic person like they've shown in the movies because that's fake, it's not real but you are real, so you should be realistic rather than romantic.

Love your partner in a real way, true way and the best way, because realism is better than romanticism who could be faken.

"Romance is overrated, realism is in"

What a simple yet complicated set of words that he thought about and composed it in his books. I hope you get the true meaning the way I explained the thoughtful quote here. Because that's the true meaning of it not some dumb people who misinterpreted it in some disastrous way.


I'm angry.

I'm still angry because of his personal manager who was asking me if I've an appointment to talk to him or not. I tried to calm myself down by reading this beautiful quote again and again but my temper or my ego I'd say, isn't calming down at all.

Maybe if I distract myself doing something then this stirring anger inside me would slow down and settle down onto the surface. Though I don't have something else to do, my college wouldn't be starting until the next week so I don't even have some homeworks or assignments who could distract me. I don't have any stuff to do other than reading his book again but that wouldn't work as a distraction, would it? No, it won't. Because it would make my anger even more extreme and outrageous level than I'm already have it in me.

So taking out my pyjamas and wearing something decent clothes to walk around the block, I get myself ready. Walking around the neighborhood would be a better idea and distraction than crying over some boy who isn't answering my calls. Opening the door to my bedroom I hear some voices from the kitchen, so to know who are they I make way into the kitchen.

"I don't know mom, ask Nora." When I get inside the kitchen I see Landon tells to someone, I mean Karen, looking into his phone screen which he is holding up in front of his face. Walking over to him I stand next to his right side and peep inside his phone to see Karen on FaceTime.

"Hey, Karen!" I give her a small wave when Landon tilts his phone to my side to see me standing and looking into his phone. "How are you? And how is Abby doing? where is she though?" I ask so many questions at the same time to her.

"I'm very good Tessa dear and so does Abby. Well she's playing right now, here… see," she tells and turns around her camera to let me see the cute toddler in front of her. She's sitting straight up on the rug down, legs stretch out and playing with her toys and dolls in front of her.

"Hey Abby!" I greet the twenty-two months old on the phone. She is quite grown up now since the last time I saw her personally at my mother's wedding. I know she could walk and talk clearly now because Karen filmed Abby doing them and Landon showed her walking and talking clips to me, which were so cute to watch.

"Abby baby. Answer Tessa." I hear Karen telling her and she  looks up at the camera. She is so cute, her brown eyes are big and her cheeks are so round and cubby that I want to poke my finger into them, gently though.

"Heeeyyyy," she answers me by grabbing her doll's neck with her small cute fingers and lifting it she shakes the doll's neck from left to right to say hey to me. Adorable, she is.

"That's so cute." I mumble. "So what are you guys talking about?" I ask them, coming into the topic they were having before I invade into their conversation.

"My mom wants to know when would be my wedding with Nora is, but that's not only for me to decide so I was telling her to ask Nora whom is equally as important as me in that topic." Landon answers me and Nora suddenly appears from nowhere behind his other side. I didn't knew she was here the whole time, looking inside the oven to check her on going baking muffins? They are look like muffins to me from the outside. Nevermind.

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