Chapter 35

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Hardin's POV:

I push him inside and close the front door, I grab him by the collar and take him into the hallway, bump into the flimsy table there and knock one leg of it. The table fall at the side where I take him down on the floor and the glass vase shatter too around his feet which was on table, I think. I'm too busy to comprehend what the fuck is happening surround us.

He turn me around and hit me on the corner of my mouth. Fuck. I can taste the blood in my mouth. I filp us over, kneeling and hover over him. I punch him, first on his cheek, then his nose, mouth. He grunts.

I haven't had a fight with anyone or slam anyone since Landon got slam by me and Tess left. I didn't feel the same urge, the adrenaline rushing through my veins and seeing me red. But now it's necessary.

I wrap my hands around his neck and blood is trickle down from his nose and corner of his mouth. He trys to loosen my grip around his neck but I apply more pressure and his face turns into a shade of red.

If I was old myself, I'd have done a lot more damage to this creep, but I'm not the same, now I'm different for the matter of my anger issue. But he was the one who was listen through the door like he gonna break in so the cops going to come here and do what they fucking do.

My eyes goes where Landon's bedroom door opens, he runs and stands a few feet from us. He looks at the creep and me, "If you don't plan to kill him, you should let go." He caution me.

Going to jail would definitely ruin my weekend with Tessa, or lack thereof and she would be more upset with me, then she was before. I look down at the fucking spy and then back up at Landon. "Fine." I pull my hands away from the man. Gasping, the creep falls over onto his side and cups his hands around the front of his neck.

"What's going on?" Landon demands. And I stand on my feet.

"Don't move." The man moves to hold his nose with one hand while his other is on the floor, open palmed. I didn't take my eyes off of him. "When I got here, he had his ear pressed against your front door. I don't know what the fuck he was listening for. He was probably going to try to break in or some shit. I would

"Well, why did you bring him in here?" I look him and he at ruined table. Seriously man?

"So he wouldn't leave?" I roll my eyes. The man in the floor tries to sit up, and I crush the free hand of his under my boot. "I said not to fucking move. " I run my hand and push my hair back over my forehead, completely ignoring the shouts of the man on the floor in front of me as I step on his hand.

"What were you doing here?" While Landon asks the man, I pull my phone out of my pocket. For calling the fucking police, of course.
"If he calls the police, you're going straight to jail," Landon points out.

The man moves his arm when I take a step away. Gripping his hand, he lifts himself to his knees. "I promise, I won't move and rest my back against the wall," the man says and lifts his hands up in defense from me. Good.
"I was looking for my friend's apartment," he says.

"That's all." I say.

"I think he's telling the truth.
I've seen him here before," Landon tells me. I put my phone back into my pocket.
What the hell he just said? Is he loses his fucking mind, how the fuck would he knows that he's telling the fucking truth?

Before I said anything to him, his bedroom door opens, and Nancy walks into the living room. Wearing briefs and a white undershirts of Landon, I supposed. Fucking hell, you can literally see her nipples right through the shirt.

Did this creep was listening them fucking, didn't he? Oh God.
This fucking city is weird as hell and their peoples too with their strangest desires.

"You can go back in my room." Landon said to her.

"What the hell?" She looks at me, then at the other man. "Cliff?" She steps forward, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You know him?" Landon look between the two of them.

"She knows him?" I ask Landon, even thought I know that he have no fucking clue what the hell is going on.

"I was looking for my friend's place. He just moved into the building," this Cliff guy says, a complete lie, thats what it is. The chick stares at him for a few seconds, and I watch them exchange communication without any words.

"He's leaving; it's fine," that chick says at last, pointing toward the door. Cliff rubs his neck and stands in the doorway. He doesn't say another word before disappearing into the hallway.

I turns to her and raise my hands. "You just let him leave? You didn't find out why the fuck he was here in the first place!" She walks farther into the living room.

"Yes, I did. You heard his reason for being here." She rests her hands on her hips.

"He was lying!" I shout.

She moves closer to me. "First off, don't yell at me again," she says through her teeth, challenging me. "And second, you don't know that he was lying. You don't know him."

I tilt my head back. "Oh, that's right. You do. How about you explain that little gem?" I shout on her face.

"Guys." Landon walks between us. "Hardin, he's gone. Nora, go to my room." She open and close her mouth then retreats to Landon's room.

"You better make her tell you who the fuck he is," I demand to Landon.

"Shut up and get the broom." He points to the closet next to the entrance to the kitchen. "I'll figure it out. You just clean that glass up." I glare at him.

"I mean it. This isn't just about
you. Tessa lives here, and if anything happens to her-" I'm interrupts by beeping sound from the kitchen, it's oven I think.

He goes to the kitchen to stop it and I to the closet. Take a broom go back into the living room and sweep away the glasses pieces. So that no one, especially her, won't get hurt by it.

Landon walks in and grab one side of the table and turn it upright. "I know," he reply. I gripe at him while sweeping the rest of the broken glass into the dustpan.

Just before he open his bedroom door, I said loudly down the hallway to him: "Don't tell Tessa about this. There's enough going on."

There's no need for her to know about any of this shit. She gets easily paranoid by small things and because of this one, she'd get more paranoid and couldn't function and sleep too.

I take his silence as he's agrees with me. I throw the glass into the trash and place the broom where it was.

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