Chapter 11

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Satori sat on the couch, drinking strawberry milk while watching the news. A freak hailstorm apparently appeared out of nowhere, as the weatherman said. The hailstorm successfully injured several pedestrians gravely, as well as crashing dozen of cars.

"...And most surprisingly, the ice pellet are as big as tennis balls! Now who can explain this weird phenomena?"

Koishi, who was taking a nap at the other side of the couch, stared at the television screen.

"Humans think more weirdly than the storm, ya know?" She yawned.

"That I so, I suppose," Satori replied, taking a sip, "But perhaps they don't really have any reasonable explanations,"

"And what are the Avengers to them?"

Satori went quiet. 




That is true. Avengers are weirdos dressed in spandex that roam the city. 

Koishi kept talking, "But they're weak, albeit too weak,"

Satori turned to gaze at her sister.

"And how is that?"

Koishi gave her a look that said Are you kidding me?

"First off, pikachu god. Can he even be a god? Can he even be compared to the Godesses at the Top of the Moutain?" (Who got the reference?)

Satori went quiet once again, thinking. 

Her words were true, they are weak. Yet, they are the world's so-called "mightiest" heroes. Why is that?

She thought for a bit more.




The world mightiest HEROES. Does that simply imply that people stronger than them are not heroes? Does that mean... anyone stronger then them are simply villains?

Satori bit her bottom lip. She knew she was digging very deep, since it was just a mere title. But still, could that be an influencer for villains to rise? After all, anything could be a reason, just like an incident in Gensokyo.

Satori still remembered when her pet crow wanted to take over the world to prove to her mistress that she is strong enough to get her attention. It was Satori's responsibility to be able to keep her pets in check.

The hailstorm went on, going into a full blizzard. From the tower, they could barely see any buildings. Even though it was "snowing" on a hot summer day, the youkai were used to it. After all, how can this not be strange ever since the Spring Snow Incident?

She sighed, knowing she could not beat her sister, argument and battle wise.

"What can we do about it anyways?"


Steve wouldn't admit that he got frozen in ice for a second time, but as a truthful man, he felt too. 

And he was not proud of it. Well... maybe, for managing to survive frozen alive twice. Instead of dueling one of them, Cirno decided to straight up encase them all in ice. Tony definitely didn't like it, his face was contorted in a expression that said fury all the way. The rest of the Avengers didn't really seem to enjoy it either. 

As he watched the icy fairy freezes lowered the temperature way more, he began to worry for the other ones. They may be fairies, but he really doubt they could survive that cold!

If the ice fairy was trying to kill them, she wasn't doing much about it. Who puts oxygen bubbles in the ice you're trying to encase someone with? 

He took shallow, breaths, attempting to find a plan. Tony was attempting to melt the ice with his blasters, although the ice seemed to have jammed them. He soon had a plan formulated: Hit the ice as hard as possible and hopefully make it out there. 

It wasn't much of a plan, more like the only option he had.

He began hitting the ice, aware that the temperature is dropping drastically.

However, before he could make a dent, something seemed to knock Cirno. The snow was too thick, so it was impossible to tell what hit her. Then, a women appeared. She has pastel pink hair, a white bonnet, and blue and white clothes.

She seemed to scold Cirno before waving her hand. Immediately, the blizzard stopped and the ice melted.

The Avengers fell on the asphalt, gasping for air. 

"Apologies, humans," The women said.

Her tone wasn't aggressive, sincere even. She actually seemed sorry although she wasn't the one who caused the mess, or was she?

"W-Who are you?" Tony stammered.

The women held Cirno firmly by the shoulder.

"My name is Letty Whiterock," She said curtly.

"I apologize for Cirno's behavior," She added.

"Alright," Tony aimed both his repulsors at Letty and Cirno, "Who? What? Why? And how? Speak,"

Letty sighed, "As you already know, this is Cirno and I'm Letty. I'm... let's just say... some sort of winter spirit while Cirno's an icefairy,"


Letty sighed again, "I have no idea why Cirno came, but I arrived to bring her back home,"

"And where is home?"

"In Japan,"

Great, Japan again. Every single suspicious individual they met led to Japan. What are the Japanese doing? Giving women and girls some sort of serum to give them abilities? And why? To overcome the Avengers?"

That was when Steve got a quick flashback of the fight against the Komeiji sisters.


Could they be infiltrators?

Steve shook his head. They needed to get out of there, and fast. The girls were probably planning their demise right that instant in the tower! 

And with Satori's ability to hack AI minds, she could reprogram Jarvis to keep them out and make the backup test robots in Tony's lab to turn against them!

While he was thinking up a mess, Tony was still interrogating them.

"...and how did you get here?"

Letty this time didn't sigh. Instead, she had a smile that seemed like a smirk, a smile that clouded secrets never meant to be found.

Instantly, she dissolved into a faint winter breeze, taking Cirno with her.

Alrighty! Prepared a long chapter for y'all! Also, you may be wondering why Letty is so OP. Allow me to remind you that Cirno was the second boss in EoSD. I have heard many people rage quitting against Cirno, which suggests she already isn't an easy boss to defeat. However, in the next game, PCB, Cirno was the first midboss. Because of so, Letty, the first boss, would obviously be quite powerful already. Personally, I would compare her strength with China's, although when we talk canon-wise, Meiling MAY be more powerful than Letty.

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