Chapter 6

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The Avengers turned around to see Clint on the floor, a pool of golden vomit in front of him. Natasha quickly grabbed him and took him to the bathroom, where he hurled the rest of his contents into the sink. Bruce took out his lab instruments and examined the vomit. After some time, he stood up.

"He was poisoned," Bruce said.

"By killing that beetle?" Steve asked.

"Maybe by some sort of toxin it released when Clint killed it," Tony said.

"No, it couldn't be, since that was a Golden Tortoise Beetle, which are harmless," Bruce jolted something down.

Tony nudged Satori with his elbow.

"Hey Miss Mind-Reader? Did Seija have anything to do with this?"

Satori frowned.

"It was really hard, like I said, she could flip anything. It possible she even flipped her thoughts, so I could only see the opposite. But I think maybe?"

"He's not stopping!" Natasha yelled from the bathroom, "Can you heal him?"

"Give me a sec!"

Bruce then rushed to get more of his instruments and brought Clint onto a chair. Meanwhile, Natasha held a bucket to prevent Clint from puking on the floor. The doctor took tests on his blood, saliva, and many other things. 

"I can't seem to find a cure,"

"Hey, can I borrow a phone? I know a few someones who can help," Satori asked.

Steve gave her his.

"Make it quick, the poison may be fatal,"

A few minutes later, they heard some barging from the elevator.

"They're coming!" Koishi said.

A woman emerged from the elevator first. She had silvery white hair and held a silver bow. The moment she took a step, her eyebrow creased and fired an arrow on the wall. Next, she marched towards Clint.

"Hello, Satori. Now, who is the poor fellow?" She demanded.

"He uh, h-he's right here,"  Tony gawked.

The woman turned around to face a young girl, seemingly as old as Koishi, who was standing there.

"Medicine, come 'ere,"

The younger girl complied and put a hand on Clint's stomach. Her hand glowed purple and Clint stopped puking.

"What the—" Steve started.

"I'll explain later," The older woman said.

She started examining him, for any other signs. When she was satisfied, she turned around.

"Hello, I'm Eirin Yagokoro and this is Medicine Melancholy,"

She bowed while Medicine waved, a tiny doll on her shoulder copied her movements.

"How did you heal him?" Bruce asked.

"Well, Medicine here can manipulate poisons. She can create poisons and antidotes, so what she did there was turn half the poison inside him into an antidote, in order to get rid of the rest of the venom,"

"Alright then,"

A moment of silence passed. 

"Why did you shoot my wall?" Tony asked.

"Because the beetle wasn't completely dead," 

Eirin walked towards her arrow. The moment she pulled it out, it shimmered and disappeared. Then, a hankerchief and took the rest of the beetle carefully.

"It's been bred with a different type of beetles, called blister beetles. Whoever breeded them must have also somehow done another experiment. They probably breeded the offspring of the Golden Turtoise Beetle and the Blister Beetle, with the Diabolical Ironclad Beetle,"

"How do you know so much about beetles?"

Eirin peered at him.

"As a doctor, I have to know all types of insects and their effects to made proper remedies to certain sicknesses,"

"Ah, alright. By the way, where are you from?"

Koishi crossed her arms and mimicked a disappointed face. She shook her head in a way that screamed "Not cool, bro!" at him.

"Oh, in some bamboo forest in Japan. After, peace and quiet is essential,"

Something in her voice told them that she got the opposite of that.

"So anyways, it's time to take my leave, and bye,"

She walked back to the elevator and went inside with Medicine.

Unknowing to the Avengers, they just encountered some powerful beings, one being immortal. Then again, the border of Gensokyo was made to prevent outsiders to find it. It was a border that defied reality.

Hello, Hello~! I'm backkkk! I have a question. How should I do these messages? Like in a formal way? Or a childish way? Maybe the >w< way? Or the way you usually speak with each other? Or it could depend on my mood. Eh, whatever :3

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