Chapter 2

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While Koishi was carefully drawing on the Avenger's faces, Satori hacked into the cams with her mind powers. She replaced their images with two Nick Furies, so it seemed like Nick and his stunt double was doing all the work. 

When the director arrived, he raised his eyebrow. Koishi changed idea. She plucked the marker from Steve's hands, and put it in Nick's backpocked carefully when he wasn't noticing. He frowned and went to the nearest computer to check the cams. Due to Satori's flawless work, he saw himself and himself in the cams.

That was when the Avengers stirred. Koishi snapped a picture before exiting the place to not be caught in the crime. Natasha was the first to wake up. First she looked around and saw her arm linked with Clint's. Her face turned into a look of disgust at Clint's drooling face. She untangled herself and looked around the living room.

She squinted. Is that Fury?  The director himself was seated in front of a computer. She walked towards him, but when she passed the TV, she turned. Using the television screen as a mirror, she frowned at her face, and kept walking towards Fury. When she was a meter away from him she noticed a white and black object sticking out of his backpocket, obviously showing that he put it thete in haste.

Surprisingly, he hadn't noticed her watching. His eyebrows slowly made their way to... where his hair used to be. That was when Clint stirred. He moaned, catching Fury's attention. The director turned towards them, noticing Natasha behind him.

His yawned, and blinked, and saw Natasha's face.

"Woah what happen—" He started.

That was Steve woke up. On his face, Koishi drew a  Soviet Union flag. He looked down, and saw his shield. He turned it to see what was written on it, and he frowned. He raised his head and saw Natasha glaring at something behind Fury. Clint was holding a mirror, and occasionally pouting. That was when Steve realized their faces were drawn.

"Hey, can I borrow that mirror?" He asked.

Clint turned towards him and his eyes widened.

"Yeah, uh— sure," Clint passed him the mirror.

Steve looked at his face and saw the Soviet Union flag. His eyes now widened in horror.

"What the—"

"Language, Steve," Tony mumbled.

Tony stretched his arms and saw Peter on his lap, snoring peacefully. What surprised everyone was that Tony didn't seem alarmed, instead he nudged him to wake him up.

"Uh? M-Mr. S-Stark?" Peter yawned, "Wha-what happened to your face?"

"My face?" Tony cocked an eyebrow up, "Your face was drew on,"

"Everybody's is," Natasha said.

Bruce suddenly choked.

"What is that thing?!" He cried, "It tastes like... like..."

He frowned, "Orange juice?"

"What thing?" Steve asked.

"I woke up holding a glass of something that I thought was coke," He explained, "I slipped and I accidentally drank it,"

"What was it then?"

"Uh— Black orange juice?" 

"What's Fury doing at my computer?" Tony stared at him, "Who drew on our faces? You know what? We'll check the footage,"

"No need," Natasha plucked the marker from Fury's backpocket.

Fury turned, "What?"

"You, Mr. Fury, are arrested," Tony mimicked Fury's voice but failed miserably, "And why did you ruin our faces?"

"Are my sheild," Steve grumbled.

Peter noticed the writing, "What does it say,"

He turned the shield around to show them.

"Vote me or else I'll bonk you," He said.

Clint started laughing on the floor. Natasha went over and kicked him, then proceeded to go to the sink to wash her face. A few minutes later, she came out. The drawing was still on her face.

"It's permanent!" She yelled.




"DOG PILE!" Tony yelled.

He ran towards Fury. He pounced on him, making the director overbalance and topple over Clint, who was still rolling on the floor looking like an idiot and now became the bottom of the dog pile.

Peter didn't hesitate to join him. While running towards them, he accidentally stepped on Steve's shoe lace. Sadly for Steve, who was walking in the opposite direction, who pulled on and tumbled over Peter and the rest of the dog pile.

Bruce just watched from the couch. Soon, they heard a bang overhead, then the elevator's noise. Thor emerged.

"What this?" He mused.

He strolled towards them. Then, he yeeted himself on them, doing a full on Body Slam on them. They could hear a very loud oof! from the squashed Clint.

That was when Koishi and Satori decided to make their appearance. They appeared in the hallway, looking as if they were in the bedrooms.

"Woah, what's the ruckus?" Satori asked.

"Apparently this baboon," Natasha nudged Fury's face with her foot, "Decided to draw on our faces with a permanent marker,"

The dog pile disassembled.

"Alright, I didn't come here to be piled on, but," Fury glared at the Komeiji sisters with his good eye, "You two, need to go to school,"

Heyo everyone! Someone recently messaged me asking if I'll continue When Touhou met MHA, and the answer is yes. It's not up for adoption, and it isn't on HIATUS. I got it under control, it WILL be continued. If you want to know what's happening next, just message me and I'll happily tell you some spoilers.

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