Chapter 5

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A few weeks later, the Avengers were in the tower. Tony was tinkering with his suits, Bruce in his lab, Natasha and Clint training, Steve taking a walk, and Thor doing whatever he was doing. In other words, it was humongously boring for Satori and Koishi.

After awhile they assembled in the dining room for lunch.

"Pizza time!" Tony yelled when the pizza arrived.

He opened the lid of the first pizza box on the pile, "Who ordered broccoli pizza?"

"That would be me!" Koishi waved.

"Who likes broccoli on their pizza," Tony muttered and put the boxes on the table.

Suddenly, Satori felt a shock pass through her head. She immediately jerked up, her eyes wide.

"Jarvis is hacked!" She said.

The Avengers stared at her. Koishi was munching on a piece of broccoli pizza contently.

"What?" Tony asked, "How can Jarvis be hacked?"

Satori ignored him, "Cameras are down. Someone's coming up,"

They immediately took out their weapons and pointed them at the elevator in their fighting stances. The whirring of the elevator grew louder and louder, until they heard a ding!

"Now, now. No need to be rude," A voice drawled inside.

A familiar figure emerged from it. Hey, Satori. Is that Seija?  Tony thought. 

Yep, Satori replied.

That made them clutch their weapons harder.

"Well, then, if you insist," 

She flicked a finger and all their weapons flew out of their hands and stuck to the ceiling. Then, Bruce resolved to the famous cliché hero words:

"What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Ahh~! I'm just here to ask a question, you see?"

She took a step forward while the Avengers minus the Komeiji sisters took one backwards.

"What is it then?" Natasha asked.

Seija leaned on a nearby table.

"Have you ever wondered... Why so many people are trying to oppose you?"

That caught them by surprise.

"W-What do you mean?" Steve stuttered.

"Many people, including non-humans, try to counter you. But don't you know why?"


"Because heroes exist. Merely the existence the Avengers is enough to inspire bad guys to fight you. And why do they fight?"

Thoughts starting sparking inside their heads, but nobody said anything.

"Yes, out of jealousy, hatred, madness, and many more,"

She stopped leaning and walked back towards the elevator. When she was inside, she turned around, her skirt whirling.

"On behalf of those people, the weak and the small will rise to overpower the big and the strong!"

The elevator closed, while the Avengers' weapons were still stuck on the ceiling.

"Alright then, let's get those weapons of the ceiling first," Steve clapped his hands.

Natasha easily leapt up and snatched one of her guns, except the moment she let go, they flew to the ceiling again.

"Alright, Miss Mind-Reader, what did she do?" Tony turned towards Satori.

"Reversing gravity?" Satori shrugged.

"How long does it usually last?"

Satori thought for a moment.

"Judging by the size of this place... 1 week atmost,"

"1 week?!" Tony shrieked, since his whole suit was stuck up there, including his blasters.

He turned around to see a fat golden beetle on the wall.

"Hold on, am I hallucinating? Or is there 24k beetle on the wall?"

"Eh, it's just a beetle,"

Clint took a piece of paper and smacked it on the wall. Then, he squeezed it hard enough to hear a disturbing crunch! Afterwards, he threw the piece of paper in the toilet and flushed it down.

"There you go!"

Suddenly, they heard retching sounds. 

Sorry, Ima keep this a cliffy. Again, I encountered a writer's block, so that's why it's been going so slowly. Anyways, have a great day!

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