Chapter X: The Journey Home - Part 1

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The inside of the Tirpitz was just what Douglas was expecting. A frozen wreck of a vessel, ice crystals clinging to every steel surface, making any form of progress through the interior of the battleship difficult at best, damn near impossible at worst.

Nevertheless, the group was able to slowly make their way to the engine room. Only to have the door to it sealed shut.

"Bloody hell!" Exclaims Douglas, after having tried to open the door for the last five minutes. He then kicks said door in frustration. "We aren't going to get anywhere at this rate!"

"Patience, Douglas," Edward reassures the Scotsman. "We have enough supplies with us to last a whole week here if need be."

"Why don't we just blow the door open?" Asks Deutschland, pulling her hand cannon from its holster while a shark-like grin grows on her face. "I bet I could open that baby up with just one shot."

"No!." Yells Edward, grabbing the gun from Deutschland's hand. "We are not doing that!"

"Hey! Give it back!" Cries the Heavy Cruiser at seeing her prized sidearm taken away. She tries to jump but can't due to the height difference between her and Edward. "That's mine!"

"And yet you seem to not have the sense to wield it." Rebukes Edward. "Because if you had some sense, you wouldn't have made that suggestion in the first place."

"B-but... "

"If we went with your suggestion, not only would we damage Tirpitz more than she already is, the shock-wave from the blast could cause the very iceberg we are on to collapse, which would more than likely crush us." Says Edward.

Deutschland looked down at the floor with a blush of embarrassment. "Sorry."

"If you're done giving a lecture, Edward," Douglas comments impatiently. "We still need to figure out how to get this bloody door open."

"For once, I agree with the Englishmen." Concurs Bismarck.

"Don't agree with me lass, it makes me nervous. And I'M SCOTTISH!"

"We need to revive my sister." Furthers Bismarck, ignoring Douglas. "How we do it is unimportant."

"Well, it won't do for us all to stand here dilly-dallying." States Edward. "Douglas, you and the little ones will stay here while I Bismarck, and Peter Strasser inspect the bridge."

"What am I now, a babysitter?!" An incredulous Douglas yells at the three's retreating backs.


Finding the bridge was a quick affair due to Bismarck's guidance, the battleship's knowledge of her sister's layout proving invaluable. Though since they are similar to each other, it isn't really a surprise.

"This is the bridge." States Bismarck, throwing the door open with a thrust of her arm, displaying her hidden strength.

"Indeed it is." Edward agrees, a little sarcastically. "Now then. Let's see what we can find."

"What exactly are we looking for, Admiral?" Questions Peter Strasser, a hand placed on her hip. "There is nothing here, and even if there was, it would most likely be covered in frost."

"Be that as it may." Says Edward as he starts to look around. "It still doesn't hurt to check. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky."

Neither Bismarck or Peter Strasser believed that, in fact, they both thought this was a waste of time. However, neither of them could think of anything else to do, so they joined in the search.

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