000 | the mom teacher

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wish upon a dream. or else.

THE BIRDS SANG THEIR SONGS, chirps and trills of spring's tranquil daytime

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THE BIRDS SANG THEIR SONGS, chirps and trills of spring's tranquil daytime. Rays of luminous, pearly light bedizened the world, sprinkling the lands with a golden hue. Within a school laid an infirmary: blue plastered walls, a poster on school rules and physical aid to further educate children, two infirmary beds with freshly cleaned white sheets and a pale yellow curtain surrounding them for privacy sake, only. Totally not for a heated makeout session that went a little too far astray and led to inevitable boners.

The curtain matched the ones hooked to the side of the window whoever took the last bed in the room would have a great view of Karasuno's newly furnished swimming pool.

Perhaps they would spot a certain cerulean-eyed boy with dark hair pulled into a messy half-bun?

They'd be able to smell his issues a mile away.

Ah, yes.

We love the inability to distinguish a healthy relationship from a toxic relationship.

Moving on! Beside the beds were a weighing scale, a small cupboard containing green folders on the lower shelf and first aid boxes on the upper shelf. Seated on top of the cupboard was a smaller, blue-coloured drawer jam-packed with plasters, cotton wools and the like. Next to the cupboard was a grey desk, where a computer and keyboard, a matching grey mouse, too, plopped on top. If one were to go into the finer details of the desk, then they would find drawers of medications hanging right under it, a steaming brown coffee mug, a shelf filled with misty, translucent bottlesfor the sake of the students' health, let's hope they weren't containing any illegal substances. There was also a significantly larger cabinet beside the desk filled with god knows what else.

In front of the beds was a station for resources on one's health and educationbecause school's prioritize physical health over their students' deteriorating mental health. That was plastered against the wall with the window on it. Pivot to the left, and one would find a water cooler serving both scalding hot and freezing cold water, a sink, towels, a refrigerator, a freezer, too, and other necessities a school was required to have.

Who would care about the infirmary's clean and perfectly laid out setting anyway?

When sat on the wheeled chair was the one and only Naoki Noboru. An absolute god.

He did, after all, know what was inside the significantly larger cabinet beside the desk.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Naoki leant back into his seat, staring at the group of female students before him. They wore the assigned Karasuno uniform with bright faces and horrendous eyebags. Sounds familiar. Say, you reading this. That you?

Cause it's certainly me.

"I'm the mom teacher?"

Four heads bopped up and down. Four female students standing before a god.

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