"Yeah– yeah come in!" I rushed out as panic soared through my body. When she walked past me, her faint perfume lingered, along with her strawberry shampoo. My eyes widened as I quickly remembered what state my apartment is in right now. I snapped my head around and wanted to scream out of frustration as I overlooked the whole thing.

But she didn't seem to mind as she just casually set her purse down, along with a grocery bag I didn't even realize she had. I shuffled over to her after I had closed my door,

"Um, I was not expecting you in the slightest, so that's why my apartment looks like a war zone." I told her as she just laughed, turning around to face me.

"I know you weren't expecting me, y/n."

"Then may I ask you why you're here? Aren't you supposed to be in Seoul?" I asked her as a light blushed covered her cheeks.

"Well, I was coming to NYC for... work and then Somi called me saying you got food poisoning. I told her I was here and she said I should come here to cheer you up. So I got you juice and also some light snacks that shouldn't upset your stomach." I stared at her as my jaw dropped slightly, still shocked at what had happened in the past like two minutes.

"So Somi knew you'd be coming over in place of her and she didn't bother to tell me to clean up my apartment a bit?" I said, pissed that Somi did that to me. Rosie just playfully rolled her eyes,

"Y/n, your apartment isn't even dirty." I scoffed,

"Yes it is. There's blankets everywhere, dishes, crap thrown around, it's dirty!" I argued back as I went around to clean, but she caught my wrist before I could do that. I met her eyes,

"Relax, you don't need to clean your apartment up for me. Your home isn't supposed to be a spotless museum anyway; it shows someone actually lives here and uses the space." She explained to me as I just sighed, nodded my head in defeat. She smiled in satisfaction and let go of my wrist before digging through the grocery bag and pulling out what she had bought. I watched in curiosity as she pulled out some good snacks, a light smile graced my lips as it was all set out on display. She then grabbed the juice I asked Somi to her and slid it across the table towards me,

"Here's the juice that you wanted."

"Thank you." I said softly as I walked over to get glasses and filled them both up, handing one over to her. Our fingers gently brushed against one another's and I just avoided eye contact with her. I just ignored the spark that shot through my fingers and went over to the couch, motioning her to follow.

She sat down next to me and Apollo happily climbed onto her lap, meowing out of excitement that she's here. I playfully rolled my eyes at my cat since he just wants attention and I saved my work on my laptop before closing it. Rosie just pet him with a smile on her face like she has also missed the little demon.

"So," she said, breaking the comfortable silence between us, "what have you been doing to keep yourself entertained these past few days?"

"Well, last night and this morning was the absolute worst. I didn't get any sleep at night, so I actually took a nap before you came over. I've been taking medicine to help, and thankfully it has been working. But to keep myself entertained, I really have just been editing photos or sleeping." I finished with a chuckle as she nodded her head.

"What movie is this?" She asked me as she pointed to the TV where the random ass movie I picked just for background noise is still playing.

"If I'm being honest, I have absolutely no fucking idea." That got a good laugh out of her as she tilted her head back slightly, a big grin on her face. I just silently admired her side profile, taking in her natural beauty.

Capturing a Moment (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now