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"Z-Zelda?" He said weakly.

She was sitting beside his bed, reading a book.

She started a bit.

"Link?" She asked.

"Z-Zelda... what- what happened?" He asked quietly.

"Well... you fell asleep... and you were sick... so I warped us back here and carried you here... you've been asleep for a few hours now..." Zelda responded.

She didn't like seeing her knight so weak and helpless like this.

His skin was paler then before, and he looked at her with his blue eyes, but they lacked warmth. They lacked happiness.

"Link... you... you have to rest. Please. If not for me, for you." She said.

"A- alright..." He said faintly, falling asleep once more.

About half an hour passed, and Zelda grew tired of sitting by Link's side. Yes, she did love him and she did want him to be better... but sitting by his side day upon days wasn't exactly helping anyone.

She stood up, stretched for a second, and headed downstairs and out the door. There was one place in Hateno Village that Link hadn't shown her.

And that was the ancient tech lab.

She didn't understand why he didn't show her it, but nonetheless, she headed over.

As she walked in, she was met by a girl with grey hair and octangular glasses.

She seemed strangely familiar...

"Zeldie! It's been so long!" She said.

"Um... do I know you..?" Zelda asked skepticly.

"Yes! Of course! It's me! Purah!" She said.

"Oh! Purah! How good to see you!" Zelda said. Purah was Impa's older sister. She was really 124 (because everyone who was alive during the calamity is either dead, at least 100, or looks like the haven't aged at all cough cough Link and Zelda) but for some reason... she looked like a 6-year-old.

"So glad to know that Linkie came through and helped you!" Purah said, winking.

"Yes... Why do you look like you're six?" Zelda asked.

"Oh! Well... that's a long story..." Purah responded.

They talked through the afternoon, and, by the time dusk had fallen, Zelda said goodbye and left.

The crickets chirped as she walked through the firefly-lit village.

Looking around, mushrooms grew under trees, glowing...

Fireflies danced in the sky.

And, as Zelda walked across the bridge to Link's house, she noticed some glowing flowers in Link's yard.

Hyrule was really a breathtaking place.

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