Together Again

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The next day Zelda woke up in the inn and it took her a second to remember why she felt so down.

Then it all came back to her.

She realized that maybe she had been a bit too harsh on Link.

Because he didn't mean it and-


She wasn't going to stand up for him just because she cared.

He. Had. Hurt. Her.

Whether on purpose or not. 

She went outside to see him sitting on the step, wet and a mess.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." he said, looking up at her.

She stood there arms crossed.

A flow of thoughts went through her head.

He's so kind, but then this one thing...

He didn't mean to hurt her...

She couldn't stay mad at him.

"I- I forgive you."

Link was surprised at this sudden forgiveness.

Zelda was also a bit surprised herself.

"Zelda, I- I don't deserve your apology-" Link said, stuttering.

Zelda put her finger over his lips.

"I don't care. I- you-" she breathed heavily. "I love you, Link."

Link was stunned.

Zelda was expecting him to reject her, go inside, maybe even laugh.

"I- I love you too."

Zelda looked at him for a second in confusion.

She sat on the step next to him and looked back at him again.

She was about to respond when Link kissed her.

She was once again stunned but...

This was the first true happiness either had felt for 100 years.

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