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Katerina allowed everyone in and Scarlett and Chris looked at Hailee and smiled.

" Miss Steinfeld" Chris said and the back of her hand politely.

" Mr.Evans, Mrs. Johansson" she said standing next to me, I smiled and looked at Elizabeth " Mrs. Arnett, it's good to see you" I said politely and she nodded.

" Likewise, we came to invite you to the circus with us "

I was about to deny the invitation when I saw the look of excitement in Hailee's eyes.

" You want to go?"

" I've never been to the circus before" she replied and I smiled " then, allow me to take you,"

Chris smiled and took Scarlett hand in his " wonderful, we should get going"

I nodded and excused myself and went to grab my jacket and wallet before I went back to my friends, I extended my hand and for a split second I saw Elizabeth reach out before she linked her arms with Scarlett, Hailee took my hand and we walked out of the door.

Scarlett, and Elizabeth went to the carriage and they invited Hailee to go with them, so Chris and I could talk about business on the way to the circus.

Hailee ended up accepting their proposal and we shared a soft kiss before I closed the carriage door and went over to my own carriage and got inside with Chris.

He grabbed a cigar and handed me one, we lit them up and we started to smoke as we talked.

" Elizabeth told Scarlett about what happened, and Scarlett told me, how are you feeling?"

" I asked a married woman to leave her husband for me, I was setting myself up to fail"

" How are things with the Steinfeld girl?"

" We are getting to know each other, and tomorrow we will go on our first date, we shared a kiss today but I want to take it slow, and be proper,"

He nodded " ask for her father blessing and date her to wed her"

" Exactly. "

" You know she's the daughter of a poor soldier, she has no dowry..."

" I know, I don't care about that, I care about her Chris, if she will have me, I will love her and take care of her and her family... I do not care about how much money her family has"

He smiled " who would have thought, Y/N Kinsale thinking about marriage... Settling down in Boston... I just, I find it odd that you are not marrying Elizabeth "

" She wants her husband "

" Her husband is a jerk"

I laughed " indeed, "

Chris nodded and blew the smoke out.
" I don't know, why you are helping him"

" What do you want me to do? Cut him off?"

" He treated you like shit, you should tell Elizabeth everything he has done

"Tell her that her husband gambled their property and money away, and that they are broke and that the only reason they still have a home is because I brought it and I'm paying for their expenses anonymously? "

" Yes, perhaps, if she knows about that, she will leave him for you"

I shook my head " she would be leaving him for my money, not for me, I asked her to marry me two weeks ago, she said no,"

" How long will you keep paying out their dept ? "

" Until I get engaged, the moment Hailee says yes to me, I will be faithful to her and her alone, and I won't allow myself to worry about Elizabeth and her family any more, because once I'm wed, my sole concern will be my wife"

Chris took a deep breath " let's hope Robert fixes his depts before you marry Hailee, and before he and Elizabeth end up on the streets "

Courtly Love ( Elizabeth Olsen /Reader/Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now