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I was reading a book, as I waited for supper to be made and for Robbie to come home from work, when I heard a knock on the door.

One of the maids went to get the door and I heard Katerina's voice, she walked inside the house and greeted me politely.

" Mrs. Elizabeth" she said and I smiled closing my book and standing up from the couch " Katerina, how are you ?"

She smiled " doing well, Ma'am, what about you?"

" I'm doing swell , have you asked your mistress about my proposition?"

" She accepts, but she asks you to come over to her house instead, I won't be working tomorrow and she has to keep an eye on Mistress Amelia,"

" Ah yes, I understand perfectly, I will be delighted to come over, what time should I be there? "

" Around four is good ma'am, they have tea around five, when the Steinfeld girl comes over to play music and sing, "

" Is that so, Your new Mistress enjoys music?"

Katerina nodded her head " she's more into literature and writing, however, yes, she does enjoy music"

" Good to know, I will make sure to invite her to my next musical party"

" I don't think she would come, she's not one to stay among people"

" Oh, I see.. " I said and smiled " very well, thank you Katerina, you were the most helpful"

" My pleasure Mrs.Arnett"

I shook my head " oh no, Mrs.Arnett is my mother in law, Mrs.Elizabeth or Mrs.Olsen are just fine"

She nodded " then Mrs. Olsen it is, I should get going..."

I nodded " have a wonderful night Katerina"

" You too Mrs. Olsen" she said goodbye and started to walk home.

I closed the door and I went to the window and looked at the Kinsale mansion.

A woman that no one knew, no one had heard about, that hated social interaction and that didn't want to be known... She mystery, and I felt the need to solve it.


I was almost falling asleep, Robbie hadn't come home, and I was too exhausted to wait up for him, so I just went to bed, as I was about to give in and sleep, the bedroom door flew open and Robbie walked in and looked at me.

" Elizabeth get up" he ordered and I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed.

" What's wrong? What time is it?"

" 11 at night, I need your help in my office, I have an issue that only you can fix"

I yawned and got up from the bed, I grabbed my robe and put my slippers on and followed my husband to his office, there were a stash of papers on top of each other, most of them had the Kinsale name on them.

" What's all this? "

" My research on the Kinsale and the woman that showed up a few weeks ago"

He handed me a document and frowned.
" What is that? "

" Mr. Kinsale's will"

" Should you have this? "

" Well, no, but Evan lead it to me, I just have to give it back in the morning, read the will and tell me if you recognize the name of the heir, you are from around here, you know people"

I nodded and I started to read and frowned when I saw a name that I hadn't read in a while.

" Y/N... " I whispered and Robbie smiled.

" You know her?"

" Yes, she was used to come here in the summer, she would climb trees and read books and tell these wonderful stories,"

" What happened to her? Is she the woman from the carriage?"

I shook my head " I don't think so, I don't think Y/N would come back here,she moved to a different city when we were kids, and no one ever saw her again or talked to her, why do you ask Husband?"

He smiled " because she inherited EVERYTHING the mansion, the publishing house, it's all hers,"

" And?"

" And if she's not here,and if Amelia dies and no one claims the inheritance, then it's all go to the highest bitter and that's us baby, if Y/N doesn't show up, we are rich, set for life, we will control this city"

Courtly Love ( Elizabeth Olsen /Reader/Hailee Steinfeld )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora