Chapter 15: 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑇𝑜 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟

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The long awaited chapter 15,
sorry guys <3




Aizawa went outside to find Mitsuki calmed down and ready to leave in the ambulance. Aizawa walked over to her and bowed, "I'm sorry we didn't get here faster." He stood back up and left to talk to the police.

"Izuku!" Katsuki yelled from the outside of his room banging on the locked door. "No! I told you! I fucking knew it that's why my stomach hurt!" Izuku hated himself, he would never deny a gut feeling ever again. Izuku sat in his bed staring at the wall with tears streaming down his face. He sat there for what felt like an eternity to both Izuku and his worried best friend outside the door.

Izuku wanted nothing more but to curl up in a ball and cry his eyes out but he knew he didn't have time for that. So he took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. He grabbed his bookbag off the floor and placed it on his desk chair.

Katsuki had been silent since Izuku spoke last. Katsuki was upset too, he was the one who forced Izuku to come to school. He felt that he should have trusted him. That they were better than this.

And they were.

Izuku went to his bathroom and blew his nose before looking in the mirror standing up straight and leaving the bathroom. He opened the door to see Katsuki with glossy eyes. "Izu I'm sorry I should have listened." As he finished off his sentence the tears finally escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheeks in a vain effort to relieve some of his pain. Katsuki made it a point to be rational and never lead with his emotions but for some reason he couldn't get this lump in his throat to soften and his eyes, despite his attempt to clear them, continued to tear up.

Izuku held Katsuki in his arms while he cried. He didn't say anything but he held onto Katsuki and Katsuki did the same. "We need to visit Mom in the hospital. When I saw her she wasn't-. Just hurt badly." Izuku's voice cracked but he ignored it and continued to talk. "That's all I know so we need to go and find out what's wrong." Katsuki sniffled and stood up. "Okay." He said finally calming down.

They headed downstairs to see that the commotion had ceased and everyone was gone. "Ma is probably with Mom in the ambulance." Izuku told Katsuki. "Yeah Ma is probably freaking out and that's why she forgot us." Katsuki headed out the door.

Izuku called Mitsuki while grabbing his keys and locking the door. "Izuku honey I-." "Ma. It's alright I just need to know what hospital you're headed to." Mitsuki was so grateful to Izuku's understanding. "West Central Hospital." "We'll see you there bye." As Izuku was about to hang up Mitsuki stopped him.

"Izuku wait!" "Yeah?" "Thank you Izuku. I love you." Izuku's face scrunched up and his eyes became teary. "I love you too." He choked out before the line went silent. "Izuku?" Izuku wiped his eyes before he looked to Katsuki. "West Central."

Katsuki nodded and began to walk towards the subway. "We aren't taking the subway it'll take too long to get there." Izuku called out to him. Izuku made a board of ice and told Katsuki to get on. Using quirks like this was illegal without a permit but Izuku could care less.

And this wasn't the first time he used his quirk like this and it wouldn't be the last. Sure it sure it was putting his spot at UA in danger but old habits die hard. Without much warning Izuku sped off making Katsuki lose his balance. Though he regained it quickly.

Once the arrived at the hospital Izuku melted the board ice and ran into the hospital. They asked the receptionist for directions and on they went. They came to a hallway with an operation room at the end of the hall and very worried Mitsuki sitting on the bench.

She had her head in her hands and seemed to be completely exhausted. Her hair looked less spiky and all the fiery passion about her seemed to have just washed off.

"M-." Izuku tried to call for her but as soon as the word escaped his mouth he felt everything he had been hiding bubble up. He closed his mouth and stood still as he watched Katsuki walk up to his mother. He knew he needed to be strong but fuck was it hard.

He'd always been overprotective of his mom and this situation made his skin crawl. He felt sick as if he didn't belong in his body like someone else was making this happen to hurt him.

"It feels like my lungs are going to collapse." He gasped and grabbed his chest. He kept his struggled breathing quiet not to alert the two blondes but soon he crumpled under his weight. He fell to his knees squeezing his chest.

He gasped harder and louder. He cursed at the pain over and over until he was so out of breath he couldn't anymore. His brain was on fire trying to find out what was wrong but also suffering from the lack of air.

He needed Inko, his mother. He scratched at the floor towards the direction of his mother's operation room. He scraped up as much as air as he could and yelled. "Mom!" It was raspy and not nearly as loud as it could be but it was a cry loud enough to alert the blondes.

Katsuki turned his head to see Izuku laying on the floor struggling to breathe. "Izuku!" Mitsuki yelled and ran over to him with her son trailing behind. Katsuki eyes were blown wide. He slid to his knees to try and get Izuku on his side.

'That helps breathing right? He said something about it...right?'

Katsuki had drowned out all noise his mom was yelling Izuku's name will cupping his face but he still couldn't hear the words. As selfish as it sounded Katsuki could lose Inko a hundred times over before he'd ever be able to lose Izuku.

Without warning he pushed his mother away and picked up Izuku. He ran through the hospital until he found a doctor. He was about a foot infront of the doctor. The doctor turned his head and looked at Katsuki then to Izuku.

He stared for a second before Katsuki yelled. "Fucking help him!" The doctor nodded and ran towards him. He asked Izuku who was still gasping and crying to say his name. "What's your name can you tell me?" He shouted slightly to ensure that he could be heard.

Izuku's vision was incredibly blurry he couldn't make out faces but he knew it was Katsuki and some other person. He tried to hear him but it sounded muffled. He turned his head to try and see his face. ".....your!" The doctor was now being louder.

Izuku stuttered over his words multiple times but eventually he was able to whisper. "I-zu-ku.." He took sharp breaths in between each syllable. "Izuku you're having panic attack okay? Just try and breathe!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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