65 Race Against Time: 15 hours

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Caitlin's apartment

"I told you not to come back Barry!!" Caitlin said in tears, feeling the wind of a speedster

"Mom, it's me" Nora said

"What do you want from me Nora? I'm not your mother!" Caitlin yelled

"You are not my biological mother, but you raised me, you loved me, you gave me a family when I thought I lost it, you were my mother without really being one, the blood is just a disgusting red liquid, it doesn't say who your family is!"

"Please go away Nora!" Caitlin said crying more and more

"I'm not leaving you mom! Just as you didn't leave me then, I'm not leaving! I've always considered you as a mother, I don't care what you say, I don't care what you think, you will always be my mother ! "

"Nora ... I ruined everything!"

"What's the matter with you? Please allow me to help you!"

"Your father and I kissed ... I messed everything up!"

"You haven't messed up anything! You don't have to worry!" Nora tried to console Caitlin

"I can't stay here in Central City knowing that I will end up ruining Barry and Iris' wedding!"

"What you mean?"

"Barry would never leave Iris, she's going to leave, right? For me and Barry ... "

"What? No! Of course not! Listen, it's more complicated than that ..."

"I don't know what to do... I have to leave Central City, and you, Nora, have to get out of my apartment!"

"I'm not leaving you alone! You haven't ruined their marriage if that's what you think!

I can't tell you anything about the future... just stay in Central City and just do what you would have done before you met Cassie! "

"Nora I'm sorry, but I have to go, you have to leave me alone ... I need to think!"

"You're only here because you want to cry! If you wanted to think, you'd be at the planetarium!"

"What you mean?"

"The old Central City planetarium, where you went with your father as a child ..."

"How do you know? Nobody knows! Not even my mother! It was a secret between me and my father! How do you know?"

"You used to take me there once a week when I was little, to make me smile after mom ...
You always helped me when I needed it! "

"I'm not your mother Nora! You don't have to be here! Nothing makes you worry about me! Please leave me alone!"

"Ok, you are not my mother, you are always my godmother! The one who taught me how to prepare sweets, the one who made me love astronomy and made me love science!
You and I... when I was little, stayed up late looking at the stars with your old optical telescope, and when I wasn't sleepy you made me sleep in your bed and told me stories of dad's first missions! "

"Which telescope?" Caitlin asked, not fully understanding what Nora meant

"The telescope your father gave you as a child, the one you gave me for the first Christmas after your wedding with dad!"

"No, it can't be ... that telescope is too important a memory, I would never have given it away..."

"You gave it to me, your daughter, the first Christmas we spent as a family!"

"That telescope was my father's last gift before he died!It's one of the things I care about the most! Why should I give it to a little girl I don't care about!? "Caitlin yelled, breaking Nora's heart into a thousand pieces.

"Only now I understand what you've been through..." Nora said, holding back her tears as she handed Caitlin her locket. "Open it"

"Why? What does it mean?" Caitlin said without even looking at the locket

"I rejected you at the beginning ... telling you things far worse than what you just said to me ... when I accepted you I gave you that medallion to apologize and show you all the good that I wanted you, all the good that still I want! I bought it secretly from everyone using the money I had saved to buy my own telescope ... "

"So I gave you my telescope for Christmas?"

"Yes ... it is my most precious treasure ..."

"Thanks Nora, but ... leave me alone now!"

"No! Of course not! It's just excuses! You'll go away as soon as I leave you alone, won't you?"

"Please! I can't stay, try to understand me ..."

"No! If you leave, when Iris ..."

"What!" Caitlin screamed interrupting Nora

"... I'll be alone ... Bart and I won't have a mother"

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