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It had been a few hours, Patty had insisted on staying with her mother and Henry, everything seemed quiet, it was close to what should have been the time of Patty's death

They were about to think they had avoided danger when Darkest Thunder appeared practically out of nowhere

"Allen, I wasn't expecting you, it will be a pleasure to beat you"

"Don't touch my family, monster!"

Although he wanted to protect his children, the situation was the opposite, Barry was left behind while Cassie fought.

Darkest Thunder began running around Midway City chased by Cassie, while the others can barely keep up.

However, in the heat of the battle, no one had realized that they were returning to Patty's house, once there Darkest Thunder escaped into a portal, not before having launched a series of lightning bolts at the house.

"Are you all okay?" Barry asked as he entered

"Barry, come here ... my mom," Patty yelled in tears.
Martha was struck by lightning and a beam fell on her, Cassie ran over to her, after scanning her with what looked like a Star Trek medical tricorder, she smiled and said:

"Don't worry Patty, she's alive! Her vertebrae are broken but a reconstruction of the nervous tissue will be enough... yes, a maximum of 3 synthetic neurofibers... Maybe even just a neurorigrnerant will be enough"

"Cassie these words don't even exist right now," Barry said while the disappointment grew in his daughter's eyes

"We need to take her to STAR labs, maybe I have something to help her!"

"All right, Bart Nora, you stay with Patty and Henry!"

"No Barry, I'm not leaving my mother alone!" Patty said

"Me neither!" said little Henry, holding Patty by your legs

Barry and Cassie freed Martha and took her to STAR labs and put her in the infirmary.

"What's going on" Iris shouted seeing Patty and little Henry hugging her tightly

"Mom I need a hand, I need the purse I left on your desk yesterday, I have to do something! Give me the leather case that is in the outside pocket" Cassie shouted.

Caitlin ran and opened the bag, there was a leather case with an inscription

Dr. Snow-Allen

I'm sure this

 will be very useful to you

I wish you good luck

for everything

                ..................... with love Mom

Caitlin handed it to her daughter.

Cassie opened it, inside there were strange devices that Caitlin realized were surgical instruments only when Cassie began to surger.


"Patty, what are you doing here?" Iris asked, visibly shaken "Who is he?"

"Iris calm down. Patty was in danger, Darkest Thunder wanted to kill her, we saved her but her mother was injured!" Barry said

Iris and Barry left to continue the conversation, leaving Patty alone, or so she thought ...

"Who is he?" said a voice behind Patty, she turned in fright, then she realized it was Joe

"Hi Joe ..." Patty said, looking down

"... he is my son, your grandson ... Henry Joseph Spivot"

"My grandson ... Barry never talked about him ..."

"He never knew ... it's a change in the Crisis ... you never should have known ... for the timeline"

"Mommy, who is he?" Henry asked

"He is your grandfather Joe ... Do you want to meet him? You, Joe, Do you want to meet your grandson?"


While Henry and Joe were getting to know each other in the lounge, Cassie had been finishing the surgery.

Caitlin had never seen anything like that, that instruments had cut and cauterized at the same time, her daughter had shaped the broken vertebrae, and now she was regenerating the nerves.

After 5 minutes Cassie took a deep breath and said

"Finished! In less than an hour she will be awake, she will be quadriplegic for 2 days, paraplegic for another 3 and in a week she will be able to walk again ... then she will feel a little stiffness in the neck for about 2 weeks.
Unfortunately ... probably the nerves will start to degenerate, in 15 to 20 years she could become paraplegic forever"

"Wait Rose, are you telling me that a person who has suffered this type of accident can be fine for 15 years!? !!"

"Medical science advances, but if it is not redone every 5 years at least it loses long-term security, I have done this surgery several times, even to you in the future once ..."

"Me too?!?!"

"Relax yours was less invasive, you had minimal problems compared to her, a meta-human had hit her by fracturing a vertebra, there were no spinal cord injuries. I operated on you, or rather I assisted in surgery on the 22nd. December, for Christmas you were fine ... that is, you couldn't walk but for New Year's Eve you were up "

"Couldn't I walk?"

"Yes, you had a wheelchair, but dad insisted on carrying you"

"In his arms ..." Caitlin said, thinking strange things, it wasn't like her but this time it was different, in the future they were married and she was talking to her daughter.

"Yeah that's why you were pregnant in January," Cassie said smiling, imagining her mother's thoughts

"Wait what !!!!" Nora yelled from behind them

"I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry you and Bart don't know yet," Cassie said looking at Nora

"Rose !!! But in 2050 I'll be 61. How can I be pregnant !!!!" Caitlin screamed

"The Frost gene does not make you age at normal rates, I was 7 when the twins were born"

"What!?!?" Barry yelled from behind Nora

"Listen, forget everything I said, even my medical professors said so, when I have surgery I talk nonsense".

The speech was closed, to restore the timeline to a minimum Cassie erased everyone's memory with the device of legends, making everyone forget Henry's arrival at the star labs, and the gaffes of the twins and the recent pregnancy.

The most painful part was to make Joe forget about his found grandson.

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