59 Race Against Time: 21 hours

268 6 3

Nora took Cassie to an abandoned warehouse outside the city and chained her to a chair

"What the hell Nora !!" Cassie yelled

"What have you done?!" Nora yelled

"What you mean?"

"You and Thawne! Bart told me how he killed my grandmother! Now tell me how you did it!"

"What you mean?"

"I get it all! If what you said were true you would have disappeared already! Thawne has a way not to disappear!"

"I made a deal with the Speed ​​Force! I have a time limit to catch Darkest Thunder and solve everything, if I complete my mission I will not disappear"

"Do not lie to me!" Nora yelled, hitting Cassie with lightning.

"What's wrong with you Nora! I'm your sister!" Cassie screamed as she recovered from the pain

"You're not my sister! Not even my half-sister! Dad would never have preferred Aunt Caitlin to Mom!"

"He didn't prefer her! Iris was missing, dad was destroyed, only after almost a year did he and mum start dating!"

"You lie!"

"Bart told you the same thing too! I know"

"He lied too!"

"Believe me! I'm your sister! I swear I don't work with Thawne!"

"Liar! You're just a liar! I did everything to make my father survive the Crisis, and now because of you and Thawne my family is destroyed!" Nora screamed as her eyes turned red and she began to vibrate

"Oh my God! Nora this isn't you! It's the Negative speed force!

"Maybe others have let themselves be enchanted by you and your nice words, but that kind of thing doesn't work for me!"

"Please Nora believe me! Dad didn't leave Iris, she disappeared, he thought she was dead and..."

"... AND WHAT ?! In the future where I come from, my father died in the Crisis, yet my mother never remarried!"

"Not everyone reacts equally to the loss of the person they love!"

"SHUT UP!" Nora screamed as she hit Cassie with a second bolt of lightning

"I don't shut up! Please listen to me I understand what happened to Iris!" Cassie said looking at the blood in her mouth

"For real?" Nora asked ironically

"More or less ... maybe ... But I have to ask you questions to be sure, so I have to restore your memories! "Cassie said before being struck by a third lightning.

"Stop telling me lies!" Nora screamed

"... The locket ..." Cassie whispered trying to recover from the pain

"The what?"

"The locket that you have around your neck ... it belongs to my mother, she made sure that you have it now that you are here in the past"

"Sorry but what's the matter?"

"It was you who gave it to her, when you were only 10, for her birthday!
You bought it with your pocket money, you had saved it up for three years, you wanted to buy a telescope, it was about $ 2,000 ...
Open it, look at the photo and read the inscription! "

Nora opened the locket, on one side there was a photo of Nora and Caitlin together during a Christmas party at the West house, on the other side there was an engraving:

"Dear Cait,

you did not give me life

but you raised me

it's only thanks to you if today

I am what I am

thanks for everything

I love you mom

                                                        ....... Nora "

"What does it mean?"

"Caitlin adopted you! Mom chose to stay in Central City for you and Bart before she and Dad even got together!"

"It's a lie!"

"That's the truth! You didn't accept mum just because she was with dad! You rejected and hated her, but she never left you alone! She always stayed next to you! Then one day, after having a nightmare in you saw Iris, you allowed Caitlin to stay with you overnight, and the next morning you called her Mom! "

"It's not true!"

"They waited almost a year ..."

"For what?"

"To get married after Dad makes the proposal! You accepted Caitlin before they told anyone!"

"I do not believe you!"

"I'm not your enemy, I'm your sister! We're better friends!"

"I do not believe you!" Nora said, falling to her knees crying

"Trust me please!"

"How cute are the Allen sisters!" Said a voice in the darkness

"Who are you?" Nora asked, lighting up the entire warehouse with lightning

"I'm your worst nightmare"

"Darkest Thunder ?! How did you find us ?!" Cassie said scared to death

"Who is he?" Nora asked puzzled

"He is our worst enemy, or rather my worst enemy ..."

"Exactly ... And this time, my dear Cassie I will take your beloved sister away from you," Darkest Thunder said as he began charging a bolt of lightning.

"Nora, sister, do you trust me?"

"Yes Cassie, I trust you!" Nora said in tears

"Perfect!" Cassie screamed before hitting the Darkest Thunder with an ice blast and rushing back to STAR Labs taking Nora with her

"How did you do?" Nora said realizing that Cassie still had the power dampers

"Power inhibitors don't work on me ... we never understood why ..."

"Wait, do you want to tell me you let me kidnap you ?!"


"Did you let yourself be tortured by me ?! I almost killed you!" Nora said in tears

"Shh ... Don't cry big sister! I trusted you, I knew you would understand that we were a family!" Cassie said hugging Nora

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