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"What happened?" Barry asked as he woke up, shortly after his alter ego was gone

"You and Mom nearly destroyed the future!" Cassie said

"What? What do you mean? I don't remember anything! Why don't I remember anything ?!" Caitlin asked

As they were about to respond in the Cortex a speed force breach opened... everyone was ready to fight whatever came out, but no one expected to see a second Nora West-Allen.

"Oh my God! I'm still here, I'm alive," she said running to hug Barry

"You are the original Nora ... you are Nora Prime, of the original timeline!" Cisco said

"Don't compare my daughter to a Transformers quote!" Iris said

"Actually Star Trek!" Cassie said

"What ?! I know Transformers!" Iris said

"Actually ... Cassie is more right" said Cisco "In the Star Trek reboot, the Spock of the original timeline, played by Leonard Nimoy is referred to in the credits as Spock Prime, this is the reference to Transformers, made by the members of the production that had worked on the Transformers movies! How do you know? "

"Well... when you babysat us, and Aunt Kamilla wasn't there to stop you, you forced us to watch Star Trek to exhaustion! I have an eidetic memory, but even Khione knew all the saga and TV series by heart!"

"Sorry, who is Khione? Because Frost can't be ..."

"It's Aunt Frost's idea, it's the name of the little dog we had when I was little! It wasn't mine, it belonged to Nora... Anyway, let's get back to the important topic, that is Nora Prime" Cassie said

"What did you say?" Barry and Nora Prime asked as they broke the hug

"Oh, nothing important" Iris said hugging her 

"I'm glad you're back, but where have you been? How do you manage to be here? I mean the timeline has changed ..." Barry said

"I don't know dad ... " Nora Prime said  "I was convinced I was dead ... I remember saying goodbye to you ... I then found myself in an infinite green tunnel ... with colored lightning ... I tried to escape every way, I had my powers so I tried to escape, but when I stopped due to lack of strength I was brought back to the starting point, I don't know how long I was there ... I ran fast like never before ... Anyway, dad, what does it mean that the timeline has changed? " 

"Yes, you no longer exist, we are the Flash's children," Nora said

"Wait, do you mean Dad won't die in the Crisis?!"

"I already survived!" Barry said

"Really ?! Schway! I knew that in the end I would save you by asking for help from ... well him ... sorry again"

"Now I introduce you: the other you, Your brother Bart and your sister Cassie. You will meet later, now Cait will visit you!"

Caitlin began putting Nora through a series of tests.

She started with some simple blood tests, then gave Nora a CT scan, and lastly a standard medical examination, but after a 20-minute run in the speed lab.

"So what are my values? Can I go? I would like to meet the others!" Nora Prime said

"Calm down sweetheart, it's going to take some more time. I have to pay you a proper visit, what I have is simple biomedical data, I just want to make sure you're okay!" Caitlin replied in a tone more like a mother than a doctor, thinking she was talking to "her" Nora

"You have never been so sweet to me! Only when I was 5, you spoke to me in that tone! Normally we didn't even talk!"

"Sorry ... I'm just happy you're safe and sound!"

"Don't apologize Caitlin, thank you ... anyway can I go and meet the others now? Ah, according to your medical opinion ... Can I go back to fighting the meta-humans today?"

"Every day I understand better and better what your nickname comes from!" Caitlin said laughing. "Anyway, You have my medical clearance ... but ask your father first"


Nora Prime ran to hug her counterpart and her brother, however she paused before doing the same with Cassie.

Initially she hadn't realized it, but now she had noticed the enormous differences in the girl her father had called her sister.

"Sorry Cassie but are you really my sister?" asked Nora Prime, perplexed.

"Yes... more or less"

"So you have ... been adopted?


"What then?" asked Nora Prime, curious to know and more

"Well ... well, I ... we're not exactly sisters ..."

"What do you mean? Are you my stepsister?" Nora Prime asked, almost laughing


"Wait, What !? Is this a joke?" Nora Prime asked looking at the other herself

"No, We have the same father, but different mothers, I was born from Dad's second marriage," Cassie said

"I worked with Thawne to get my family back, and now it's broken !!" Nora Prime thought

"I know it's difficult, I've lived it ... We can explain the details ... and if you come with us in the future it will be easier for you to adapt" Nora said

As Nora Prime was about to answer, an alarm sounded, there was a fire in a building in the center.

"I can take care of it, dad! I can use Nora's costume!" Nora Prime said, having already put it on

"Hey wait!" Barry tried to say, but it was late, Nora Prime was already gone

"Stay here dad, you have suffered the stress of being knocked out by the memory eraser! I'll go!" Cassie said leaving

"Ok, what's the plan?" Nora Prime asked, arriving on the scene

"Easy, create a vortex inside the building and put out the fire!" Iris said from the communications

"There would be a better way..." Cassie tried to say

"Trust me, it will work," Nora Prime said, entering the building.

After evacuating all the civilians, the two girls began to produce two vortex to smother the fire, and within seconds everything was solved.

"I was right Cassie, the plan was good!" Nora Prime said

"What's right is right!" Cassie said smiling, but Nora Prime purposely turned around

"All done guys!" Cassie said into the microphone, getting no response

"Can anyone hear us?!" Nora Prime said in a panic

"They can't!" Cassie said, picking up a small metal box from the floor and showing it to Nora

"What's a Jammer doing here?" Nora Prime asked

"This is a trap!" Cassie yelled, seeing Darkest Thunder appear behind Nora Prime.

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