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"Dad what's happening to us?" the twins said in chorus as they walked down the stairs

"Oh my God!" Barry said realizing that their hands were disappearing

"Barry what's happening to our children?" Caitlin asked

"It's the same thing that happened to the other Nora... the one who went back in time to get to know me, they're being erased from existence! I have to go!"

"Where do you have to go Barry?" Caitlin shouted

"In the past they must have found out who Caity's father is, our whole timeline is in danger! I have to go back and fix everything!"

"What? But SpeedForce said ..."

"SpeedForce told Cassie to watch out for certain events, I think the you from the past found out that Ronnie was still alive in the future... you're back together, so we're not married and Cassie and the twins won't exist... or she tried to find him and we never got together... now I have to go. I love you Cait "

"I love you too Barry, now go, run Barry, run"

In the present

"Barry I have no idea, Ronnie and I were like you and Iris. Part of me still loves him ..."

"Cait ... I can help you find him if you want!" Barry said

As Caitlin was about to answer, they heard an extreme blast and an explosion, another Barry appeared next to them.

"Who are you," Barry said

"I am the you from the future... the future that you have destroyed!" said the Barry of the future before erasing the memory of the two with the erasing memory of legends.

After wiping the data from the computer, the Barry of the future took everyone to the Cortex

"Ok what the hell was that," Frost said as her head was still spinning

"Dad, what are you doing in this time?" Bart asked

"The me and Caitlin of the past found out who Caity's father is, the twins started disappearing, the future was collapsing. I erased their memory, please don't try to find out again" he said looking at everyone.

"Maybe things could get better, maybe ..." Iris started saying

"Not with the Erasing of three of my five children from the timeline!" Barry yelled, deciding to keep Henry secret

"You don't think you're exaggerating, anyway while you're here then help us that Darkest Thunder, you're faster than Cassie, so help us so she'll go away" Iris said.

"As much as I'd like to catch that monster, I can't...during our last fight he hit me with some nanite charge, I'm slowly recovering, I don't even think I have enough speed to return."

"I can take you back, Dad," Cassie said with a smile

"No, you have a time limit, and I know it decreases with each time travel"

"How did you understand that?" Cassie said in amazement

"Your watch, when you joined me in the fight against him, marked 400 days, from what I understand you have been here for only 200 days, yet there it marks only ..."

"... 94" Cassie finished the sentence

"Wait your time limit is set?" Nora asked

"Yes, more or less, just over a year ... exactly 2 days for each day that I am ahead of you in the future, when I travel through time, the remaining days drop drastically, not so much ... I mean I rewound time by bringing Nora Bart and the tea of ​​the past with me, then I took the twins into the future ... "

"Yes you are back here, then remember that you brought Nora and Bart here in the beginning ... from what I understand if you catch him you can stay ..." Barry said

"Yeah, but how are you coming back? I mean Nora isn't fast enough to take you to the future, Bart on the other hand can hardly travel on his own!"

"Hey I'm a tough guy!" Bart said

"You pretend to be tough, if you concentrate more on the technique, you would be at least half as good as you expect!" Nora said laughing

"Well maybe that's true, but dad, you can borrow my speed and use it to go into the future!" Bart said

"Then how are you going to do it?" Barry asked

"There are Nora and Cassie, I mean, Cassie defeated Zoom all by herself."

"What? ZOOM! Are we talking about the same evil speedster?!"

"Yeah... maybe..." Cassie said, blushing

"Ok okay... then I'll go. Good luck my children!" the Barry of the future said, picking up the speed of his son, before running off and went back into his future and the rest of his family.

"What happened?" Barry asked as he woke up, shortly after his alter ego was gone

"You and Mom nearly destroyed the future!" Cassie said

"What? What do you mean? I don't remember anything! Why don't I remember anything ?!" Caitlin asked

As they were about to respond in the Cortex a speed force breach opened...  everyone was ready to fight whatever came out, but no one expected to see a second Nora West-Allen.

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