Fat Lip

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One; Fat Lip

Six months earlier

My blood pumps as I run back through the wooded path towards my home, we sat on the edge of town and I was always so grateful for the seclusion. I can see the red door in my sights, sitting pretty framed by large rose bushes and large oak trees that had been growing for years. The pain in my right side is burning, begging for a break from the fast pace that my legs are moving at. I push past the small bush lining the back of the house and leave tiny cuts all up my arms, swearing I swinging the back door open and land on the floor.

Face up I stare at the ceiling letting my lungs catch up to the rest of my body. I listen carefully and can hear Carter upstairs rustling around in his room, most likely looking for clean pants to wear. I close my eyes for a quick minute and wish that the day would pass me by, even my bones were aching from memories. I had ripped down the calendar the day before because even the sight of the date made me want to puke. Knots in my stomach formed as I imagined my late mother spinning around the kitchen, a smile plastered to her face. She cooks banana pancakes for Carter and sings under her breath, a sweet, slow tune that reminds me of a summer day.

Her hair is pulled up into a loose bun and she's wearing a sheer white tops and a long red skirt that spins with her as she turns to take the muffins from the oven. Water drips down slowly from the tap, splashing into the sink and I can't help but smile at my mothers heavenly appearance.

"Earth to Lee," a quick few drops land on my head and cause me to stir from my pleasant daydream, an annoying reminder that the day is far from over. "Morning," Carter stands over me, in his work gear and a pathetic smile.

"I made it all the way to the clearing this morning in under thirty minutes," I brag as he extends his hand to me. I use his weight to help me off the ground and he groans as I do so. I run my sweaty hand through his blond hair and cause him to brush it back down into place. "I'm going to beat your record one day!"

"Long shot," he teases. He pulls the fridge door open, tossing me an apple from the bottom shelf and grabbing the milk for himself. "I have to work late tonight, are you going to be okay?"

I knew the question was coming but I still wanted to punch him in the face for asking. Carter was hurting just as much as I was, I could see it in his eyes but it didn't change the fact that today was going to be rough on me. I nod and take a bite of my apple before leaving the kitchen and bounding up the stairs towards the bathroom.

My long legs carry my soundlessly into the bright yellow country style bathroom, my mothers decorating skills were constantly in question. The counter was covered in things that I had never had the heart to pack away when they died. Dad's razor, moms perfume. I swallow the feelings and run the shower hot to clean myself of the dirt. The water stings the tiny cuts on my arms but it feels so good that as the time passes I almost forget about school. Almost.

I can hear Carter leave the house and I take a deep breath knowing that he's gone, him being here makes the day longer and harder. He always wants to talk about shit and I just can't handle the pressure of being expected to return the favor. I climb from the shower and pull my hair up and into a bun before tugging on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I start my car and climb in knowing full well that school was going to be hell today.

Silence filled my small red toyota, I sigh flicking on the radio. Voice's instantly fill the small car and begin to speak about shit I really didn't want to hear this morning.

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