"Raph?" I asked.

"I'm getting you out of here!" Raph said.

I walked up to the bars on the cell. It didn't take very long to realize that he had the key! I smiled, but that smile didn't last very long.

"Raph!" I cried in horror as Shredder walked up behind him.

Then it went black. Completely black for a couple seconds. They were gone. It went completely silent.

What just happened? One second Raph is here going to save me, then the next second Shredder comes and takes him!

I was going insane! I couldn't sit still! I was pasting around my cell. I need to get out, and now!

After twenty minutes I was still freaking out. I didn't even notice Karai watching me. When I did, I felt like a fool. I didn't bother asking her how long she was there for. Instead I asked her something else.

"Where'd they take him!" I demanded.

She looked at me strangely.

"Who took who?" she asked.

"Shredder!" I yelled.

"Shredder took Shredder?" She asked again confused.

"No! Shredder took Raph!" I explained.

"Shredder didn't take Raph." She said.

"Yes he did!"

"Listen I'm not going to argue with you. Shredder isn't even here! He's been gone for hours now," she said.

I smirked. Shredder not here? If only my plan was ready.

"I probably shouldn't have told you that." She said realizing what she did.

"It's okay. Since he's not here, could you maybe bring me some water?" I asked trying to sound polite.

"Why would I do that?" She asked.

"Because I'm going insane!" I explained.

She smiled and left.

Is she lying to me about Shredder not taking Raph? I saw it with my own eyes, he did take him! My plan needs to come along quickly.

She came back with a glass of water.

"If you want the water, how about you tell me something first." Karai said.

"You have water." I told her.

"I mean something about your plan," she said.

"I don't have a plan," I lied.

"You're lying," she said without hesitation.

"You're using me," I said.

I've been wondering why she's been nice to me lately. Then I realized that she's only being nice to get answers from me. I'm not gonna fall for her tricks. I'm too smart for them.

"We're even. Now do you want the water or not?" she asked.

"I want the water, but I'm not going to tell you anything," I said.

"I'll drink this in front of you," she said.

The sad thing is that I believe she would, but I'm still not telling her anything! I sat there quietly.

"I'll really do it," she warned.

"I know you will," I replied.

She was about to take a sip but she hesitated.

"Take the damn water," she said as she slipped it through the bars.

I smiled.

"Thanks," I said.

"Yeah whatever."

She walked off.

Finally! I convinced someone to get me water! Instead of drinking the water, I stared at it. Why didn't she drink it. Did she poison it?

"Karai!" I yelled hoping she'd come back. Moments later, she did.

"Why wouldn't you drink the water?" I asked.

"Because..." she said.

"Did you poison it or something?" I asked.

"No, why would I do that?" Karai asked.

"Because, I'm your enemy," I answered.

"Yeah but I'm not supposed to kill you, Shredder is," she said.

"Then take a sip," I said.

"I'm not drinking from the same cup as you, you're probably sick." Karai said.

"I didn't drink any," I explained.

"Listen Leo, I did nothing to it. If you want, it drink it. If you don't, then leave it," she said.

"Fine." I said.

She left.

It smelled normal. It was also still really clear. So I didn't really have a choice. I took a little sip. If I reacted to it in any ways, I'm not drinking the rest of it. I'll wait an hour to see if everything's all right.

I was so confused with the whole Shredder thing. If he's gone, then how did he take Raph? I saw Shredder take him with my own eyes! Or at least I saw Shredder behind Raph. Then Karai tells me that Shredder isn't here! Is she just trying to mess with me or something? I honestly have no clue what's going on. Maybe I'm seeing things, but it all felt so real, too real.

Hey guys, if you are a little confused with what happened with the whole Shredder thing, it's okay. It may not make sense now, but you'll understand it later on in the book. Thanks for reading!

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