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"DADA, I CAN'T SLEEP. IT'S CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!" Mina said, as Jungkook smiled.

"You want to sleep with me and pap tonight?" Jungkook smiled, holding his daughter close.

"Yes!" Mina smiled, holding to Jungkook's arm.

Soon they walked into their room snd seen Jimin getting cozy. He spotted his daughter and smiled.

"Hey darling, can't sleep?" He pouted as the girl done the same.

"No papa, its Christmas tomorrow I can't sleep."

"Come here, darling." Jimin spoke, bring cute and doing the grabby hands towards Mina who ran towards him.

"Sorey Koo, but there no room." Jimin joked as Mina laughed.

Jungkook smiled and hugged Jimin's back.

"There's plenty."



Mina was still awake. She wanted to open her gifts now. She turned and seen her two dads hugging eacher other. Being a little bitter she got into the middle.

Waking Jimin up, he seen who disturbed his sleep and smiled as he seen Mina smiling at him.

"Night Mina, love you." Jimin saod, pecking her forehead.

"Love you too papa." She whispered.

She didn't get any sleep.



She woke up from her slumber and smiled. She notice that it's still dark but she didn't care, it was getting a little lighter.

She went to Jungkook snd shook him like crazy. He groaned and turned to the ither side making Mina pout.

"Wake up dada, it's morning." Mina whined.

"It's dark, sweetie." Jungkook mumbled.

"No, thr sky is wide awake. C'mon I wanna see my gifts." Mina pouted as Jungkook fully gotten awake with a groan.

"Okay, go down the stairs but don't open up anything. I'll wake up papa." Jungkook smiled.

Mina giggled and ran down.

Jungkook turned to Jimin and started to kiss him all around his face and soon his neck.

"Baby, wake up. Our sweetheart wants to see her gifts." Jungkook said, as Jimin groaned.

"Okay." Soon Jimin stood up to be a ribe on.

Soon he turned and seen Jungkook fast asleep.

He got towards his man snd give him a hickey which made him moan.

"Do you want me to pick you up bub?" Jimin smiled, playing eith Jungkook's hair.

"Mhm." He hummed and held Jimin's neck as he held Jungkook in bridal style.

He walked down and seen Mina smiling then pouted.

"Is dada okay?" She ask, tilting her head.

"Yes darling, dada is just tried."  Jimin smiled and sat on the floor with Jungkook on his lap who was half asleep.

Soon Mina opened her gift and many more.

The two men loved their daughter's reaction and there would be more when the other two are here.

But that would be hours away.

"Honey, have some breakfast. You csnt have chocolate for the whole day." Jungkook chuckled as Mina stuffed her face with chocolate.

"Yes I can, Taehyung told me I can." Mina smiled, showing chocolate all over her teeth.

"Of course he did, now brush your teeth and have some toast." Jimin said, bringing Mina to the bathroom.


"Merry Christmas!" Jihyun spoke, smiling at Mina who was climbing on him.

"Hello, little monkey." He chuckled, bring her up which made her giggle.

She soon eyed the presents and went to grab one of them but Taehyjng was faster.

"Not so fast, you can open can open soon darling." Mina pouted at that but soon nodded.

"Hello guys, I missed you." Jungkook said, showing his bunny teeth.

"You seen us last week." Jihyun smiled.

"That was 7 days ago, long time." Jungkook pouted as the two men laughed.

"Of course.

"I want presents." Mina spoke out.

"Of course darling! Here you go."

Jimin soon came in eith dinner for everyone.

"A kitchen set! Thank you, thank you." Mina smiled  hugging her uncles.

The two smiled and hugged her back.

"Of course! I knew you would like it." Taehying smiled.

"I'll put it in your room sweetheart." Jungkook saod, picking it up and went to her room.

Jimin stared, kinda drooled until Jihyun brought him back into reality.

"Not in front of the child." He smiled as Jimin blushed.

"Not my fault that he goes to the gym." Jimin said, eith a hint of a blush.

Jihyun chuckled and helped Mina sit on the table as it was too high for her.

Soon dinner got handed out.

What a happy little family.

A/N - I know ots not Christmas just yet but I know I wouldn't post this during Christmas since I would be sith my family so here's an early bonus.

Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a good Christmas!

Hopefully 2022 will be much better!

See you all next week!

(I'm writing this on the bus so I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes).

Stay healthy, stay safe, stay kind to others and yourself, and stay loving yourself.

I purple you all!

~you nice, keep going.~ -Park Jimin 💛 (2018)

VAMPIRE'S BEAST | JIKOOK FF ✔︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon