CHAPTER 7:- Where is Lucas?

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I sighed,so much for being the favourite one, I just gave a nod to my mumma, and just then the massager came, so I just went to a guest room with her,..
After the massage I was feeling really good,I wouldn't lie about that. So now that I was happy,I thanked her and when I was going downstairs with her,I saw that Mahi and Prachi were trying hard to stop Ana and Isha so that they won't try to tear each others hair, which by the way was not possible,so what was up with my friends? And why was Edward looking at all of this as if it was some kind of comedy-drama and he looked seconds away from bringing popcorn and sit their enjoying the free show to his heart content, some great friends I have.

While the fight was still going on,I didn't even glanced at the massager as she was not new to this crazy family,this was some type of daily routine,if we all were present in a single place.

So I joined my friends and saw that the massager escaped this place, which can be also called as a partial asylum, atleast it looked like that for outsiders.

"Guys, guys what the hell happened? Why are you all fighting?" I asked my supposed bff's,I think I was drunk when I made the decision of being these fools friend, and then again I hate drinking.

"Very rude Sanu, very rude is this the way to speak to your elders and I was just keeping these two people or more like wild animals away from each other. And poor Prachi, she doesn't even know what these feral cats are fighting for, ... And you both stop it, Lucas's family is going to come here at any moment and they definitely shouldn't see you both feral cats fighting each other." Mahi informed me while glaring at those both as if they really were some wild animals.

I shook my head at them and Eddy took that upon himself to explain the situation, of course he would do that as he was watching the whole scenario like a person starving for water in the desert and just found an oasis.

"So you know,our Ana here is hard-core fan of BTS or more specifically Army, and Isha on the other hand loves one direction from the bottom of her heart and let's not forget about her craziness over Zayn Malik. So these both were fighting over which boyband is the best, which is like absurd,I mean come on they both are good at their own things and BTS V,JM,Jhope and Jk were attending Harry styles's concert for god's sake, but no these people should make a war at this non-existing problem. " He said to me excitedly,ok why the hell would they fight over such a matter.

I love BTS, they are extremely talented,hard workers, humble,and let's not forget the cutest freaking peoples in the world among many more things.

I still love one direction, come on they were super cool, supremely talented,hard workers and they too are hot as you know and please who do not like Harry,or any one of them for the matter of fact. It wasn't an option at all to choose between them. It's like choosing between your father and husband( for those who love them equally.)

Well we didn't get the time to stress about the topic more,as we heard my mumma welcoming Lucas's family from here itself.

And her very first question.


Ah! Now that was a billion dollar question, but I couldn't even think more about that as Luke hugged me with such a force that he nearly took both of us to the floor,but no our jiminee is the one who loves the floor not us,so we were safe.

I think I am watching BTS Army editing more. But I love it.

So I was hugging Luke, and I don't know what happened, for the first time since we have been friends, Luke was not ready to leave me, even after 5 minutes I think it is more than that, and I don't know why Luke was behaving like this,I know we haven't met in like a month,but this felt like something else,ok... And at this point all our family members were looking at us weirdly,...ok...why were they giving that look, finally lukey thought it was okay to stop hugging me,I mean come on I am not complaining about the hug, but it was like I was kidnapped and now I was free from their clutches,if I was to make complete sense he held at me for his dear life.

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