Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Momo pushed the button to open the human sized passage. A rather catchy and fast rock music played in the background, the room before her strewn with cables that coalesced into the center. Having a rather bad premonition she took a step inside, her eyes widening after seeing her friend in the center with all the cables connected to him.

"Okay, give me all the power you can, Hatsumei." Izuku said, squatting a bit into a more stable position. His body gave out a high pitch whine, the four emerald jets of energy roaring to life on his back. Momo was about to yell at him in objection but to her confusion the lights in the room dimmed significantly, making what happened next even more intimidating.

In the dark room it was much easier to see the red light starting to emanate from in between the Titan's joints and in the seams of his armor, a few small and red lightning arcs traveling across his form. The 20 ton body of her friend started to vibrate slightly and to her surprise lifted from the ground a few centimeters. It lasted only a couple of seconds, a loud crack of the breakers giving out causing him to slam back into the workshop's floor.

"God damn it!" He swore loudly, taking the ravenette aback. "If only I could spare a bit more power! I need to get this working!" He huffed in irritation, disconnecting manually all the additional power cables.

"I know that I'm the last person that should tell you that but this is a bit too reckless, Mechadaddy. This new baby of yours is spectacular and totally awesome but for it to strain the only thing that keeps you alive in such a way isn't good." Hatsume called from her workstation, surrounded by monitors and a few keyboards. Her eyes and hands moving separately, the slightly crazy girl somewhat able to operate all of this at once.

"The Arc Reactor will hold, I just need an external power boost big enough for it to not be working over max capacity. Maybe a power pack based on Timey's battery technology would work?" The Giant replied, taking a large step over all the machinery and looking at the screens that Mei was using.

"Maybe… but it would need to be charged beforehand. We can always try to design an additional reactor. It certainly wouldn't reach the outputs that your own does but it could act as a backup and a power capacity boost for things like that drive." The pinkette said, still working.

"I'll ask Luna for the schematics that she created with Mechadoriya, that could be a good start…" Izuku replied but was cut off by an angry sounding voice of Momo.

"Izuku! What are you doing?!" She asked, stomping to him with a glare firmly planted onto his green eye.

"Princess?! When did you get here?" He asked surprised, which was more surprising to the ravenette than anything else. The steel Titan always tracked her neural interface, for him to be surprised by her was as unlikely as sun rising in the west.

"For long enough. I asked you to not use that ability of yours, it hurts you every time!" She replied with a huff.

"Please calm down, Princess. I promise you that at the level I used it right now nothing was damaged or worn out. I made a few improvements to my cooling systems when Mechadoriya allowed me to tap into his own power source, you have nothing to worry about." Trying to appease the angry girl, the steel Titan took a few steps to get closer to her and kneeled to be at least somewhat on her level. His eye still was over a meter higher than her head though.

Looking up to the emerald optic Momo's nose scrunched a bit, causing her to look more cute-angry than intimidating-angry.

"I don't believe you." She said, jabbing him in his chest plate with a finger. "You clearly can't be trusted with your well being. I know for a fact that you wouldn't even tell me if you had any problems." She continued with a bit of sadness seeping into her voice.

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