on The road

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it was 8:54 and i had to wake rafe up. i didn't sleep, but he did and that's what matters. i managed to wake him up. and by 9 he was out the room on his way to the office.

i took a shower and got changed. i finished Packing some of my things and some of rafe's. by that time. it was 10.

rafe just got out of his meeting.

we walked in smiling. "ah you ready? i'll be ready in 15.
he was saying as he was closing the door and walking to the dresser .

i was sitting on the bed hugging a pillow with the blanket over me. I was incredibly tired .

"ok don't rush.." i said with my eyelids going up and down.

he throw some sweat pants on the bed along with a hoodie. then he made his way over to me. my back was facing him tho. i was laying on my side facing the bathroom door.

he kissed my check. "i know your tired, but don't worry you can sleep in the car. AND we are taking the van so we can lay the seats back and combine them. k?" he was convincing me .

"ok..." he then grabbed his cloths and went over to the bathroom. he came out looking so cute and comfortable.

i smiled and he knew i did. "you look Hot" i said trying so hard not to close my eyes. he just laughed at me.

"ok we need to take the bags downstairs and Kevin said he will load it in. Bring a blanket or pillow. for the ride"

i got out of the bed, slowly making my way to the door where rafe was , i Grabbed my suitcase and rolled it down stairs with my bag in my other hand along with a blanket over my shoulder.

rafe was behind me.

we make our way to the door where kevin is "let me get that for you miss y/n" he said to you Grabbing the suit case and bag. "thank you kev" you replied back.

rafe sat his stuff out by the door so kevin could Get it.
You went over by the stairs to put your shoes on.

"ok are y'all ready too go?" kev said grabbing rafe's bags. "yeah" rafe replied back looking at me then walking to the door.

you walked out too. "how long is the drive?" i asked putting my Seatbelt on. "uhm..." kev was looking at the ETA on the Maps. "4 hours"

you raised your eye brows in shocked. "Where could we be going that 4 hours away?" you whispered too rafe who was beside you.

he gave you a smile. "classified" he said back to me Putting his hand on my thigh


it's been about 40 minutes in the car and your getting really tired and rafe could see. "love recline the chair back. i'll lay beside you." he said taking His seat belt off.

you moved the seat back so you both could lay back . he laid his arm across so you could put your head on his arm. so you did , your back snuggled close to his Chest. you put the big soft blanket over you both and he Put his left arm around you . You put your left hand on his.

"how's your Hand?" you ask him. You put your hood on that was attached to your hoodie.

"still hurts. I cut it really deep." he said low.

you used your left thumb to brush over back and forth on his injury that was on his left hand.

"goodnight love" He said putting his head on yours .

"goodnight rafe." you said... "i love you, so much rafe"
you said it in a sentimental tone. "i love you way more"
he said back. ah your heart was melting.

my treasure ~ Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now