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You had his Hands around you waist while you had your arms around his neck. You both made chit chat. asking Simple questions. You were to distracted to see ward and your dad talking. "so is the deal up for tonight?" your dad just stared at you "yeah, rafe know?" "no. he will be pissed but deals a deal" suddenly your dad turned to ward. "we can't change this. we made this deal when they were kids. we went through to much paper work for this. it has to happen"

suddenly you wondered your eyes to rafe who was walking your way. "let me dance with her" the man got so scared without any hesitation he let go of you And walked away. you looked at rafe somewhat pissed. "really? don't you have other woman crawling to you" he chuckled. he put his arms fully around you. leaving No space between you both. you gave the favor in return and wrapped your arms around his neck. the height difference between the two of you was a lot.
your head stopped right under his chin. he was 6'4. "i didn't like the man you were dancing with love."

"mhm... why not" "he is part of the 'revolvers'" "and you don't like them?" "they are fucking idiots. the Way they run their mob i-it's just stupid. they think they have all the power. fucking idiots" you hummed putting your chin on his shoulder. "why are you being nice to me? u hate me remember" he smirked at your curiosity. "i don't hate you. i simply don't like you." for some reason your smile went away. and he felt it. "but.. it doesn't mean i don't like being around you" you kinda got happy.. but all you did was Soak in his sent. Rick cologne, and a little weed. Ward and Damon started he saw the connection.. the.... love.  sarah had just noticed who you were dancing with.. she was .. intrigued. "mhm.. imma get a drink" you say as you let go off rafe leaving him alone surrounded by others dancing. You grab a drink at the bar and Drink it. you hear your Dad call out to you. You walked over their to see rafe tagging along next to you. you both followed down the hall but even before you could reach the exist some whore was screaming for rafe to return to her. Every girl he mets is like a lost puppy to him.
it's so sad. he yelled back "Fuck off!" you rolled your eyes and huffed out. He was on your nerves. you walked in with rafe behind you he closed the door
while you sat down at the chair  that was in front of the desk that ward and damon stood at. ward sitting, damon sitting on the table. Rafe sat next to you the room was hot .. but it smelt pleasant... "why are we here?" you asked timidly playing with your hands.. "well you see when you both were young.. damon and i signed a deal." "what. deal?!" rafe was asking grinting his teeth. frustrated. "you both.. have to get married" ward said it like it was nothing. You looked up at your dad across from you. then you looked at ward, then you looked at rafe who was already looking at you. "is that even legal? Im 17. not even a adult" "look y/n we made this deal when you were 4. he was 6." "why did you even make it in the first place." i was Pissed if you couldn't tell. "classified" i scoffed at wards response. I was mad . "my freedom is getting canceled and so is rafes. You can't sign a deal off without consent of both of us." i couldn't believe it. rafe was... speechless. "i think.. this conversation is over. i won't allow it"

rafe stood up out of his chair. "see rafe that's the problem. i left the mafia to u. at the age of 16. 3 years. your doing great at it, trust me you are. but this deal was to protect y/n. if this deal can't go on then their will be major issues. we don't need issues. You both will be getting the limo and Going back home" You  Couldn't believe what you were hearing. "i guess this means we have to do 'married couple things'" you honestly asked it as a question. "No you don't. you both can ignore each other and act like it was nothing or you can try to .. love which probably isn't the case because you Both hate each other" i walked out. i couldn't believe what i was comprehending in my mind. "fucking 17 with no freedom" you mumbled down the hall. and of course at the exist of the hall was the dumb bitch all over rafe . Mhm i couldn't believe it. i was talking to sarah asking her about her life because mine was going to shit. and soon enough rafe tugged me saying we should leave to do a fight between mafias about to start and he didn't want me in it. sarah was going to John Bs after the event so i said bye to her and left. my Dad didn't need a bye.

my treasure ~ Rafe Cameron Where stories live. Discover now