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Idea for book proposed by zakiyyahboss101

The Buick series 40 Phaeton wouldn't start and frustrated, Charles ran his hand through his gelled hair, messing up his appearance. On realising this, he looked himself in the side mirror and quickly ran his fingers through the sandy hair, creating a beautiful wavy pattern. His grey eyes crinkled at the corner as he smiled at his bearded reflection, wiping his hands on a pocket handkerchief he always kept in the front pocket of his suits.

"Today is going to be a good day," he said to himself as he stepped out of the Buick and walked over to the new Cadillac V16, driving down the winding path towards his gate. His father had bought  him the Cadillac as a congratulations present after his engagement to the daughter of one of the richest men in the entirety of their area.

Charles himself came from a wealthy family and it only made sense that since he ran in only wealthy circles, he make a move on the most beautiful and richest girl, Beatrice Ford. No, Beatrice was not related to the owner of Ford at all but her family ran an oil production plant in the West, amassing possibly millions worth of oil and Charles Snr. had instilled it into Charles Jr.'s head that he had to get himself a wife from a very rich family so that he would one day become someone very important.

And important he had become.

Charles was currently on the board of his father's shipping company in Europe, working his way towards getting a share of Beatrice's family business because he had a knack for business, managing to turn anything he touched into gold. For someone in his early thirties, he was doing very well for himself with his own house and cars, some presents because he was a machine addict.

Marrying Beatrice would only seal and cement his status among the wealthy and anyway, he was attracted to his fiance, not only because she was beautiful but because she was the kindest person he had ever met even at her young age of eighteen. She was nothing like the women he had been with previously, except maybe for the look, with her velvety and long curly strawberry blonde mane and the kindest ocean blue eyes he would often drown in for hours while she talked about herself and her day, telling him stories from the early education school she worked in as a teacher.

He was in love with Beatrice and he felt so lucky because he was about to get married both for love and wealth. Not many wealthy people got to marry the loves of their lives because most of the time, their marriages were arranged and they felt absolutely nothing for their brides till the day they died. He sure was glad not to be one of those people.

As he pulled the Cadillac over into the courtyard of the Ford's, he smiled when he saw Beatrice running down the steps of the verandah she had been seated on, a wide smile gracing her face, arms outstretched as the wind whipped her face, making her hair fly around her head.

He had not seen her for weeks because he had been out of the country and she looked absolutely endearing! He got out of the car and scooped her up, twirling her as she giggled like a little girl, tightening her arms around his neck so that he wouldn't send her flying.

He placed her to her feet, smiling broadly as he quickly placed a chaste kiss on her lips just in case her parents or servants or someone was watching. He was not for public display of affection because coming from a conservative family, he had been taught that bedroom affairs should be kept in the bedroom. He may have slept with his fair share of ladies despite the fact that he was taught to save himself for marriage but he always kept his sexual relations strictly to the bedroom.

The chaste kiss turned into more because Beatrice would not let go of him as she gripped the back of his neck. He felt himself getting flushed and before things went further, he had to exercise control so he gently pried himself away from her, not missing the lustful look in her eyes.

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