8 : The Honest Truth

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     "Hey, sleepy." You greeted the dark haired man with a smile, coming to crouch beside him. It had been a few weeks since he'd fallen asleep in your lap, and since then it seemed only right to give him the nickname.

Your 'tutor' sessions had become napping sessions, with Law finding rest on your lap while you watched whatever show you'd felt like. It wasn't what you'd really expected, but it was nice all the same. Law looked a lot better after them, and you wondered if he got any sleep otherwise.

You still played your twenty questions game, but found he would often fall asleep during it. Law had also made a habit of packing you a lunch along with his own, and you had a pocket full of sweet yellow notes.

"Hello, beautiful." He smiled, turning his chin in his palm to look your way. As always, you blushed a deep color. Today you had to help Sabo and the student council prepare for the upcoming dance, so you didn't get to meet him for your usual nap.

The rain fell heavy on the pavement just past the awning, no more than a foot away from where the both of you crouched. You blew a raspberry, falling on your butt. You let your legs stretch out, sore from all the running around.

"Why are you still here?" You asked him, glancing his way to find he hadn't taken his eyes off you yet. You blushed under his gaze, his silver eyes looked so metallic in the stormy light.

"No umbrella." He answered, still looking your way. He took a moment to just appreciate they softness of your cheeks, the way they seemed to glow against the otherwise monotone atmosphere. "I don't want to risk getting my computer wet. You?"

"I just got done printing a million and one copies for Sabo." You sighed, watching the rain hit the black asphalt. "I was going to take a walk to the cafe Zoro's part timing at but,"

You gestured to the rain.

"I've got no umbrella either."

"We can wait for it to slow down together." Law offered, although it was more like a statement. You both fell into a comfortable silence, one where the ambiance of falling droplets and the occasional passing car felt oddly soothing.

"Do you..." Law started after a while, but he trialed off. You looked to him, watching his nervous eyes train on the road as he nibbled his bottom lip.

"Do I what?"

"Do you remember your real parents?" He asked after that, deciding it better to put it out there. You'd never once shamed his bluntness, he hoped your wouldn't now. He winced when your eyes widened. "If that's too personal a question to ask so soon-"

"No." You answered before he could backtrack anymore, but you were happy to find he thought of your feelings. You offered a small reassuring smile, but it was more a thinning of the lips than anything. "I never met them."

"Do you ever miss them?"

"Well, when I was young maybe." You shrugged, but ultimately shook your head. "But I realized pretty early on that you can't miss what you never knew."

Law hummed, nodding in thought. He scratched his sideburn idly, and you frowned a little. You reached out, gently grasping the fold of his jacket and giving it a little tug. He turned his eyes to you again, soaking in your worried expression.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He answered, pulling a smirk.

"Don't lie to me." You pouted, tugging on his sleeve as if you could yank the truth out of him. He sighed, and took up your hand. For a second you were afraid you'd annoyed him, until he clasped it between his own larger ones and pressed a kiss to your knuckles. "You don't have to tell me, but I want you to know I'm a good listener. I'm here for you, okay?"

"I lost my parents to a house fire when I was around ten." Law spoke up, eyes trained on your hand. The pads of his warm fingers traced over the old scars, as if he were memorizing them. "I was sick all the time, and I remember my father always being there with my medicine. They were doctors, and I want to live up to their legacy. But sometimes I miss them, sometimes I wonder if they'd be upset with me for leaving them behind."

"Do you want to know what I think?" You whispered, and he just barely managed to meet your even gaze. He nodded, and you offered the most sincere smile you could ever muster. "I think that you're much too hard on yourself for things that are out of your control."

"I think that you're smart, enough to pass your classes with ease and to ask for help when you struggle. I think you're kind, because even though you have a busy day ahead of you, you still find time to make a bento for me." You paused, looking over his soft expression. He looked so open, he was taking your words to heart. You might not have been the most beautiful girl on campus, or the most confident, but you were the best friend. That you were sure of. "And I think that everything happens for a reason. I believe that bad things happen to people in order to teach them something."

"What am I supposed to learn?" Law croaked, his eyes misty. He didn't cry, but he did look awfully upset.

"I'm not sure, that's for you to decide." You shrugged, but gave his hand in yours a squeeze. "But I do know that as parents, it doesn't matter what you do. They always love you."

"You know," Law choked a laugh, sniffling back the last of his sadness. He looked back your joined hands for a moment, a smile on his lips. "I think you're going to make a really great wife, someday."

"I don't know about that." You giggled, unable to stop the blush from heating your cheeks. "Sanji has permanently banned me from cooking."

"What?" He chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "How do you get banned from cooking?"

"Apparently by making pasta in the microwave." Your words made him burst in an honest laugh, taking one of his hands from yours to cover his face with it. He laughed so hard and so freely that you had to as well, although you couldn't help the embarrassing nature and felt your ears grow warm. "See! I'd be a horrible wife. I'm messy too! I get paint all over stuff."

"Okay- okay, maybe so." He chuckled once he got a grip, but he still kept the bright smile on his lips. Law looked at you with nothing but happiness, a soft color to his cheeks from the fit. "But I wouldn't mind. You can be my horrible wife."

"O-oh..." You laughed nervously, unsure. Law grinned, leaning over and dragging you into his side by your still captured hand. "L-Law,"

"I'm going to ask you again." That damn smirk was back on his face, smug in your bashfulness. You could hardly think, inches from his face and so hot you felt you might just catch fire. "I want you to be my girlfriend, and you can't give me the same excuse."

"I-it's not an excuse..."

"I want a chance." He bargained, tipping his forehead against yours. "Just one chance to try and be yours."

"I-I'll think a-about it..."

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