4 : The Best Of Us

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     "Be my girlfriend."

"N-no thank you."

There was a pause.

"...no?" Law blinked owlishly. Did she just... reject him?

"Y-you're really nice and all, b-but I don't know you that well." ____ tried to reply cooly, but inside she was dying. This was not happening to her.

Trafalgar Law, the too-cool-for-you heartthrob of the campus did not just corner you outside your locker and ask you to be his girlfriend infront of everyone.

But he did, and you broke out in a cold sweat when he didn't reply. He just looked at you, disbelief on his face as if you had grown an extra limb.

"D-don't get me wrong! Y-you're very attractive a-and super cool-" Did you just say super cool? If you didn't die of public humiliation you'd surely kill yourself for that. "B-but I don't know a-anything about you! And you don't know anything about me! W-we practically just met."


"I-uh... yeah..." you swallowed thickly, and with a nervous smile, slipped away.

Law stood outside your locker for a moment, stunned as you hurried away from him. He couldn't believe he'd  just been rejected. It was clear you had a crush on him, that much he was sure of. But then, why did you say no? Shouldn't you have been jumping for joy, immediately changing your Facebook status?

"Don't take it to heart." Zoro sighed, patting his friend on the shoulder. Law turned his eyes to him, surprised your brother would want to speak to him after such a scene. "Happens to the best of us."

The raven sighed. So she really had just turned him down.

"Sabosabosabosabosabo-" the blond turned at your rapid calling of his name, blinking at your cherry colored face. "Oh my god I'm going to die-"

"What happened?" Sabo put his palm to your forehead, brows creased. "Are you sick?"

"Law just asked me to be his girlfriend!" You squeaked out before you could stop yourself, and he froze.

"He... what?"

"He asked me out! In front of everyone! Just now!"

"Oh..." Sabo frowned a little, pulling his hand from your head. "What did you say?"

"I said no! Of course!" You burst incredulously, and it was if an invisible weight lifted from the blond mans shoulders. He didn't know why he had suddenly felt so weird, but he didn't like it. You were his best friend, he should have been happy for you.

"_____!" Ace screamed, barreling down the hallway and crashing into your side. You let out a soft oof, all the breath knocked from your lungs. "Is it true?! Did you really just reject Law!?"

"Y-yes!" You gasped, wriggling in his iron grip. "Let go!"

"Why would you do that?!" He practically yelled, shaking you back and forth. Your eyes crossed, the world spinning.

"Ace, stop it before you hurt her!" Sabo pulled his brother away from you. You stumbled, and Sabo threw an arm around your shoulder to steady you.

"Why did you tell him no?" Vivi, who'd arrived with Ace, spoke with a soft frown. You grunted, trying to ease your spinning brain. "You know he's like the catch of the century, right?"

"I don't even know him!" You sighed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. They came to massage your temples, trying to stop the sudden wave of nausea that came when Ace used you as a maraca. "I can't believe this is happening."

"Neither can we!" And there was the rest of the group, a snickering Zoro at the head. "Oh man, you shoulda seen his face!"

"Be nice." You frowned, punching him in the shoulder. He yelped, cradling the offended area.


"I didn't say no just to make him look like a fool!" You defended, hands on your hips. Zoro pouted, a scrunch on his face.

"Then why did you say no, ____~swan?" Sanji asked, an honest look of confusion on his face. "How else are you supposed to get to know him?"

"Not like that!" You fumed, upset at your idiotic friends. "I'm not going to date someone I don't even know!"

"Ah, I see." Zoro nodded resolutely. He struck his fist on his palm, nodding as if he'd figured something out. "You're embarrassed because you've never had a boyfriend."

"T-that's not why!"

Law frowned when you walked into English. You looked flustered, and not in a good way. He didn't even think twice before standing and taking up the empty seat next to you.

"L-Law?" You squeaked nervously, body tense as if you expected him to ask you out again. After that cute reaction, he had half a mind too. But you had made it clear that you didn't want to date him, and he would respect that answer. "W-what are you-"

"You don't know me that well." He answered with a smirk, but there was anxiety crawling up his bones. He'd never had to approach a woman this way, he hoped he wouldn't mess it up. "So, what better way to start getting to know each other than being partners in class."

"B-but Mihawk-"

"I already asked him." Law shrugged, watching you slowly process what was happening. You let out a stressed breath, face furrowing into a look of trepidation. He offered a soft smile, trying to reassure your doubts. "I promise there's no ulterior motives."

"Fine." You relented with a sigh, nodding. Another red tint glazed your cheeks as you once again refused to meet his gaze. "I-I'm sorry about rejecting you in the hallway, I wasn't trying to make you look like a fool."

"It's my own fault for not seeking out a private space." Law shrugged again, opening up his laptop. There was a new smirk on his lips, one that seemed almost amused. "I got a little too confident."

"Yeah, no kidding." You scoffed quietly, shaking your head.

Law snapped his gaze to you, a bit taken aback by your sudden sarcasm. You seemed so small and soft spoken, maybe there was a bark and a bite under all those nervous ticks.

He needed to find out.

"Would you mind tutoring me?"

Professor Romance (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now