Chapter 18 || Memory Problems

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(No pov)
!!Blood and Death!!

Dream stared uneasily at the two other princes, waiting for them to tell him what was missing from his memory.

Wilbur dug threw a pocket on his arrow quiver and pulled out a roll of bandages, "Can I bandage your head Dream? It's still bleeding." Wilbur asked, Dream hesitantly nodded.

"Before we start, do you have a person who practices magic in the castle?" Wilbur asked Dream as he bandaged Dream's head.

Dream nodded, "We have two if I can remember right. One's quite rude though, and I haven't seen the other one since a few years ago." Dream answered with a cough.

"Alright, once we fill you in we can see if the nicer one can do something about your memory." Wilbur said as he finished bandaging Dream's head.

"Hey- As much as I would want to know exactly what happened, I don't want to vividly remember them!" Dream protested, Wilbur looked at him worriedly while Techno just remained with his blank stare.

"Dream... you need to remember things, you've been told lies ever since you've gotten here, you need to know the actual story and remember it!" Wilbur said softly, Dream looked down with conflicting emotions.

On one hand, he wanted the memories of what apparently happened, he wanted an explanation on all the strange feelings that he couldn't remember, he wanted to know if they were telling the truth.

But on the other, he didn't. He liked the memories he had, he liked the good memories within the safety of the castle, he liked knowing that everything horrible in the world wasn't in his memory, it gave him a sense of safety.

"But... why? I know it's important but the way you describe things... I just don't want to at all!" Dream replied with a shiver of fear.

"Dream it is important to remember history, even if it's horrible." Techno pointed out and Dream looked down.

"I... fine... but only because I'm confused." Dream said and squeezed his eyes shut.

Wilbur and Techno looked at each other before looking back at Dream, and they began to explain what happened.

-Awhile Later-

"...And that's all." Wilbur said with a breath of relief since he was done talking, Dream looked down in horror.

"That's a lie... that's a lie. That's a lie!" Dream cried and held his head in his hands as Wilbur and Techno both exchanged looks of worry.

"Dream, it's not a lie. Please calm down." Wilbur said, Dream stood up fast but a stumbled a bit, Techno and Wilbur quickly stood up as well.

"No! I am not believing this!" Dream cried before running out of the room.

Wilbur and Techno sighed before running after him, Dream was a lot faster this time but the halls weren't as confusing.

Dream ran all the way to the throne room, Wilbur and Techno were a few feet behind them but Dream didn't care.

Dream eventually reached the throne room and saw the Jade King fighting Ranboo and Drista, everyone else was busy bandaging wounds and then fighting the king again.

Dream screamed in horror and grabbed everyone's attention as he stumbled back, he grabbed his dagger and threw it.

A blood-curdling scream was heard and Dream felt arms wrap around his waist and turn him away from the throne room.

"They're lying Dream! Hah!" The Jade King laughed, "What..?" Someone's voice said in confusion, a thump followed after that and the Jade King's laughter continued echoing throughout the throne room.

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