Chapter 16 || The Jade Castle

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(No pov)

You've never really know how much someone cares about another until they help organize an entire attack and stealth mission.

Becuse that's exactly what Wilbur did. And it was a very fortified plan.

Wilbur had helped the royals and generals plan the attack that soon turned into an infiltration of the Jade castle.

They had already planned the stealth plan days in advance, they were just preparing for the stealth mission now, they didn't want what happened last time to repeat.

It had been six days since they had started planning the mission, but they were supposed to leave three days ago before something had come up one night.

"I want to go." Wilbur had told Phil three days earlier, the king was already overwhelmed with worry from Techno being taken, he wouldn't be able to deal with it if Wilbur was taken as well.

"Wilbur, come walk with me." Phil had told his son.

The two began to walk around the castle as they spoke about Wilbur's request.

"Wilbur, if you have an excellent reason to go, then yes you can. But I don't want another missing son." Phil sighed and looked at his son sadly.

"Phil please! I promise I'll be safe, I need to go and see if Dream's alright! I'm- I'm worried about him!" Wilbur begged his father.

"Techno also told me he'd be safe, but he isn't really here now." Phil replied.

"Well they weren't expecting a wizard betraying them all." Wilbur pointed out.

"True, if something happens in the castle... we wouldn't know, and most of army would either be captured or killed. We'd lose the war." Phil sighed.

"Phil I swear on my royalty that I will be safe. I will come home." Wilbur said seriously, Phil seemed hesitant for a second before letting out a breath that he had been holding.

"Give me a few days to think about it Wilbur. I need to think." Phil decided, "Alright, I'll wait, just tell me your answer soon." Wilbur responded, "Goodnight Phil." Wilbur added.

"Goodnight Wilbur, have a good rest." Phil had said before Wilbur ran off.

And now here we are, six days after the meeting and Phil had made his decision.

Over the days Wilbur had been practicing his archery skills, he had definitely made a lot of progress and had gotten better, Bad had even made him his own bow that was made just for him.

The bow was a bright and sturdy wood that glimmered in the sun, it had intricate carvings on it and the arrow rest had been carved to look laced. Bad had also been kind enough to make a matching quiver that was made out of leather and one hundred arrows that were already sharp.

Wilbur was quite happy with how it had turned out, it was light and easy to use.

Wilbur had just finished practicing his skills in archery, he hadn't touched his guitar, it reminded him of Dream too much, so the guitar had been collecting dust for the past few days.

Wilbur entered the castle again and went to his room, he quickly changed into his regular clothing and left the room to go talk to Tommy or someone.

Wilbur ran into a guard instead, "Prince Wilbur, King Phil requests that you be at his office soon." The guard stated.

Wilbur nodded, "Thank you sir, I'll head there right away." Wilbur said and walked off, his mind was flowing with ideas of what this could be about.

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