Bedtime Story {Sirius Black x Reader}

Start from the beginning

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Year 6

I sigh softly as I stare at the piece of parchment in front of me. "Troubles with your essay?" I shift my gaze to the voice, spotting Sirius. "Yeah. I'm having a bit of trouble concentrating on it." He nods and sits down in the seat across from me. "What's on your mind?" I look back at the parchment and roll it up, knowing I won't be able to work on it. "Well there's this boy, you might know him." I say as I look back at Sirius, who looked like he was trying to hide a frown. "Do tell more." He says in a slightly dramatic way. I roll my eyes as I smile softly at him. "He's a Gryffindor. He has a habit of hiding how he actually feels so he puts on an act around others, but he drops the act whenever he's around me. I used to find him rather annoying because he's close friends with my brother. He's one of the kindest people I've ever met. He acts like an idiot, but he's definitely smarter than he thinks. He-" I'm cut off by someone sitting down beside me.

I look to my side to find Remus. "Hey Remy, what brings you here?" I ask, used to Sirius joining me at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, but not Remus or any of the other Marauders. "Yeah Moony, why are you here?" I shot Sirius a slight glare, not enjoying the rude way he was speaking to his friend. "I'm here to give you this." Remus says as he hands me a letter. I look at it and see it's from James. I roll my eyes and take it. "What has he done now?" I mumble as I open the letter. The letter is an apology from my brother for something he hasn't even done yet. "An apology in advance? I swear that boy is going to be the death of me." I say, mostly to myself. "Thanks Remy. Now where were we? Oh! He has made me feel so special that sometimes I forget I'm a twin. He-"

"What are you two talking about?" I look at Remus, cheeks heating up. "Just this boy I like." He nods as Sirius stands up abruptly. "I just remembered Prongs needed me for his thing." He says before storming the Great Hall. I frown as I watch him leave. "Did I say something wrong? I know I was being vague with who I'm crushing on, but I thought the last hint made it obvious." Remus gently pats my head. "It's okay (Y/n). You should be more straightforward with him. Now go after him before he gets it in his head that you weren't just talking about him." I become a flustered mess, but definitely take Remus' advice.

I rush out of the Great Hall and search for the idiot I've fallen for. I spot him making his way to his house. "Sirius Orion Black!" He stops walking, tensing up from his full name being used. I run over to him, nearly running right into as he turns to face me. He stops me just as I'm about to run right into him. "Salazar, you are a bloody idiot!" He frowns and turns to leave. Just as he turns I grab his tie and pull him towards me. I brought him a little too close, but I didn't let go of his tie. "Are you just going to insult me more Potter or is there another reason you won't let go of my tie?" I roll my eyes at his use of my surname. "Who do you think I was talking about?" He sighs as he places a hand on top of mine, trying to pry his tie out of my hand. "Sirius, just answer my question."

"Isn't it obvious? You're in love with Moony." I shake my head as I bring him even closer to me, our lips barely an inch apart. "No you bloody idiot. I'm in love with you." His eyes widened in surprise. "I am a bloody idiot." His voice was so soft I almost didn't hear him speak, but luckily with the closeness I did. I was about to make a comment, but Sirius stopped me before I could even do so by smashing his lips into mine. My eyes closed as my grip on his tie loosened before my hands found their way to his hair while his hands went to my hips. He pulled me in close as his arms snaked around my body. We only pulled away when we needed some air. Yet he kept me close to his body. Before I knew it we were kissing again, but this one didn't last as long. Mainly due to an angry James. "Oi! Mate! Quit snogging my sister!" I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as Sirius looked at his friend with a huge grin. "I think I'll keep doing it as long as she allows me to." I looked at James to see his reaction. Seeing that he wasn't really angry per say, he just happened to be in protective big brother mode. Which made me roll my eyes. "You should be glad it's one of your friends James. I could've easily fallen in love with someone like Snape."

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Present Day

"And the rest is history." I say, bringing my story to an end. "Mummy, how did you know you loved daddy?" I looked down at Andromeda, who looked to be fighting sleep to know more. "I knew I loved him the moment I realised that the simple thought of him made my heart flutter. It felt so magical when I figured it out." I tell her as she yawns. I carefully lean down and kiss the top of her head. Just like that she fell asleep.

"You really know how to tell a story." I look at Sirius and smile. He walks over to me and picks up the sleeping boy next to me. "Thank you." I say as I carefully get up off of Andromeda's bed. I turn to her and put her under her covers, tucking her in. Sirius and I exit the room, him carrying Harry, to take our godson and nephew to his room. Sirius put him to bed as I watched. I smiled softly at the sight of the man, who was actually nervous to start our own family, being so careful with the eldest of the kids living in our home.

Sirius walks back over to me and we head to our shared room. "Who knew the playboy of Gryffindor had a heart of gold?" I teasingly ask as we enter our room. Sirius looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Are you quoting yourself?" I nod. "I'm surprised you remember me saying that. I said that some time ago." I say as I check on our youngest, who is fast asleep. "Of course I'd remember you saying that. It was when I fell for you." He said as he snaked his arms around my waist. I turn around to face him. Gently placing a hand on his cheek while smiling at him. "If we're being completely honest when we first met on the train to Hogwarts I thought you were cute then you had to open your mouth." He leans in close to me. "You didn't like what I had to say?" I shake my head. "No, it was the fact that you had done something childish before we even started our first year at Hogwarts. I knew you and my brother would end up as great friends after that."

"What an amazing day that was. I pulled off a prank, met my best friend and found the love of my life all before we even arrived at Hogwarts. You may act like you didn't like the prank I pulled, but I saw the smile you tried hiding after I told you two what I did." I roll my eyes. "I never said I hated pranks. I just preferred to not be at the tail end of them. I do have to ask, why did you and James hex Bertram Aubrey?" He smirks at the question. "Isn't it obvious? That bloody idiot was trying to get your attention and we simply couldn't have that. Especially if I was going to win your heart." I roll my eyes at his answer. "You two were and still are such bloody idiots." I say before kissing Sirius, a quick kiss that ended too quickly for his liking. "I had no feelings for Aubrey. If there was anyone you had to worry about was Remus." I watch as Sirius pouts. "You'd date Moony over me?" I place my hands on his cheeks. "If you hadn't been the one to comfort me after my fight with James in our fourth year then maybe. Though if you do decide to ever break my heart I'm going straight to Moony." He smirks. "Well I have nothing to worry about then. I'll never break your heart. I'm an idiot, but I'm not that dumb." I giggle softly. "I love you Sirius." He smiles happily at me. "I love you too (Y/n)." He says softly before capturing my lips with his. 

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