Unruly Tongues - pt 1

122 16 6

Music: Beltaine - Dance Around

Enticing aroma's drifted across the camp, and Aedan was giving orders and banging pans about. From the sound of it, he considered himself the most capable cook in the group and mistrusted anyone else's ability to stir a pot. Nyani opened her eyes to the bright morning.

Across the camp site, Ashira was picking through a selection of green leaves Riordan had laid on a cloth spread between them. She rejected most, but accepted several fluffy green fronds that he proffered, apparently discussing their merits with him. Then Riordan glanced in Nyani's direction. He smiled, causing Ashira to whirl about to look as well. She thrust the leaves back at him and ran. Nyani barely managed to sit up in time before she was grabbed in a hug that squeezed her breath out.

"Thank the spirits! You idiot! Why didn't you tell me? Don't you dare scare me like that again! How are you feeling?" Ashira rattled on in Aniwaya, not pausing to take breath or give Nyani a chance to answer.

"You're suffocating me!" Nyani finally managed, squirming to disentangle herself. "Sorry I scared you. I'm fine. Really. I just didn't realize how bad it was. All right?"

Ashira loosened her hold and peered anxiously at her. "All right then," she said. "But don't do anything so stupid again. You can't strand me on my own with this lot." Ashira jerked her head to indicate the camp behind her.

"I'll try my best not to." She gave her friend a wry smile. "Although it looks like you're managing 'this lot' just fine." Is he a healer?" Nyani tipped her head in Riordan's direction. He was seated on the ground laying out Ashira's leaf selection and rolling up strips of cloth.

"Maybe. He's good with his herbs, and he helped last night."

"I see... Thanks, Ash. I don't know what I'd do without you...but there's something I need to know about last night. Did anyone see the markings?"

"Nya, I was too scared to give a damn who saw what, and your modesty was the least of my worries. Your leg caught the worst of it, but your back was a bit scratched up, too. You don't want an infection, do you? Riordan saw them. Donn, too - he had to hold you down so we could work. I don't think they paid much attention, if that helps?"

"There is something about Riordan that reminds me of the Shaman..." Nyani trailed off, frowning.

"You might have something there," Ashira said. "He did go on last night about training - as in, he has some, and do I? Ayá! And he wanted to try something of his own that he claims is supposed to speed up the healing, and they are in a bit of a stir about getting moving again. He asked did I think you would mind. It did sound like Shaman business to me, so I said yes, you would mind, and if they are in such a hurry they can trot off on their damned horses and let me take care of you here. That seemed to scratch his hide a bit."

Before Nyani had time to digest this verbal deluge or ask any more questions, Murtagh cleared his throat to announce himself. They had not even heard him approach them from behind.

He's like a cat. Nyani noted his compact, wiry build and cool air of indifference. Like Aedan, he was older than the others - she guessed him to be approaching sixty, roughly middle-aged.

"M'lady. If you'd care to follow me, your bath awaits. As requested." He gestured in the direction of the stream with one hand, a bundle gripped in the other.

Nyani gaped up at him, uncomprehending. His tone betrayed nothing, but something in his choice of words and delivery conveyed either sarcasm or disapproval. Possibly both together. She couldn't quite decide, because his face betrayed nothing, either.

Season of the Wild Hunt(Book 1 of The Seventh Gate series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt