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"He was lucky."

Reyasha's voice was filled with indifference. The Princess of Caden Empire was holding a poisonous needles and her calloused fingers snapped the neck of the man infront of him.

Griselle— the royal maid was silently watching her. The coldness radiates around her making Falco who was standing beside the corpses clenched the sword on his hand.

"I had no idea." The Prince of Fahan Empire felt useless once again. He bit his lips and made an eye contact with the Royal butler— Grey.

The four of them was silently enduring their rage. It was hidden however it was not completely invisible.

"Young Master." Grey was trying to suppressed himself. Griselle on the hand looks more terrifying with her bloodied uniform.

There are countless of Assassins send to Cold palace while the Prince was forcefully took away by the Royal Knights. It was an order from the Emperor. The Obelian Empire was in state of chaos right after the moment the Emperor woke up from the coma.

Claude Del Alger Obelia. The Current Emperor of Obelian Empire declared The 1st Prince— Theonesse Del Alger Obelia as a traitor and was currently detained in black tower.

Grey and Griselle was suppressed and couldn't do anything but watch their young master taken away from them. The Princess of Caden Empire and The Prince of Fahan Empire was secretly working together to eliminate the obstacles. There were forces preventing them from the saving the 1st Prince. They were not sure about the identities of unknown enemies however those assassins were only looking for death by making them waste their time.

They have to saved the prince immediately. Four of them have murder on their eyes and the skilled assassins felt scared for a moment.

Fighting was happening in every corner of the palace. The invaders were currently taking advantage of chaos and one of them even manage to get close to the Main palace.

"Your majesty." Felix forced himself to withstand The Emperor's pressure. "The Prince—" 

"He is not my son."

Felix couldn't breath and held onto the wall. He was stubbornly arguing with the Emperor. "You can't kill him."

"Kill him?" Claude's mind blank for a seconds.

"Spare him or you will regret it." Lucas' red eyes was darkened. "And let Athanasia go."

Athanasia was forced to be confined in her room together with highest mages guarding the doors and even Lucas was restrained by the Emperor. He was the leader of the black tower however after Claude woke up he become stronger than him. Lucas' red eyes made him look like a devil but somehow he couldn't do anything for Athanasia.

He wants to destroy everything but he had to calm himself down. If he was forced to fight the Emperor. Everyone's gonna die and there's no guarantee he can save Athanasia. 

"Regret?" Claude took a step infront of Lucas. His cold gaze bore into the beautiful painting behide Felix. It was the Emperor and Crown Princess. "We're in the same situation."

"Wasn't Athanasia enough? I don't know why God keeps giving you chances." Lucas step outside and said one last time.

"The Obelian Royal Family was blessed by the God herself. You don't deserve to be the Emperor nor the Father of those two children."

After Lucas left. The surroundings was destroyed by Claude's mana. Felix's physical strength wasn't enough and he coughed a mouthful of blood.

"Relocate him next to Athanasia's room."

Claude killed the hiding assassin with his bare hands and walk around the palace. Even in the middle of destructions, The Emperor was still calm and indifferent. His mind was full of thoughts and the memories flooding in his mind.

Athanasia. He wants to give her all love and attention however who is he? The Prince with black hair and pink eyes. He doesn't remember him but somehow he was irritated when he thought the prince will disappeared.

It was maddening and he couldn't come up with any acceptable reason. He wants to kill the unknown Prince so he can protect Athanasia but the thoughts of those pink eyes looking at him with sadness was enough to numb him.

It was a painful. It was the similar pain he felt when Athanasia died.

With those thoughts. He concluded, He won't kill him. Alteast he had to confirmed whether he was an enemy or not. Claude felt uncomfortable because no matter what the result, he won't let him go.

A traitor can be send to another remote prisoner for punishment. The Emperor decided to imprisoned him in the palace. It was very unusual for him to do but somehow it felt right.

"He is sleeping right now, Your majesty." For odd reason the Emperor actually listened to Felix and didn't bothered the Prince.

On the other hand, Theonesse was actually awake. He heard Felix's voice and somehow he felt the Emperor's presence through door.

"Father." Theonesse's whispered with his strained voice. He was trying his best not to cry while pretending Claude was infront of him through darkness. 

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