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In the middle of chaos inside the beautiful chamber. Two newborn twins with no similarities was presented infront of the Emperor of the country. His apathetic looks gives chill to the Royal maids as he point his sword to one of the baby's neck.

"That wretch named her Athanasia Del Alger Obelia." The visible
hatred was seen through the Emperor's eyes.

"She's only a baby. Your majesty." The red hair royal guard pleaded, Felix robane. One of the few people who can be close to the Emperor.

Claude Del Alger Obelia— The Emperor observe the baby with his cold eyes. He thrusted the sword in the chest of one of the Concubine. One by one he killed them without blinking his eyes. After he killed the last remaining concubine he left with his bloody sword together with Felix.

Felix quietly informed. "It seems consort Diana gave birth to another royal baby, your majesty."

"Don't mention her name again." The Emperor look up at the sky. Felix could feel the Emperor's muderous aura as he carress his bloody sword. "Theonesse Del Alger Obelia."

Felix is left with confused look as the Emperor's back disappeared to his sight. For a moment he felt the emperor's pain as he named the second child.

"Your majesty." He sadly whispered. Felix knows the Emperor originally expected a baby boy when consort Diana got pregnant however he loves the consort so he let her decide the name.

Theonesse. A name once claude suggested if they will have a baby Prince.

"Athanasia Del Alger Obelia."

Theonesse held up his chubby cheeks as he repeated the name he once heard. The royal bulter besides him lips twitched. "Do you know the princess?"

Theonesse shook his head and softly answered with his gently but childish voice. "She is a princess?"

"Of course my Prince. She is his highness twin sister." Grey Amirr, The royal bulter explained. He doesn't smile yet you can feel the warmth in his eyes.

"But i'm not a Prince." Theonesse pouted his cute lips. "I don't have a crown. I also don't have a magic. I can't be a Prince?"

The young prince remember his past life. He often to watch a disney movie with his sister. Even though he was only a child, he was aware his situation right now can't be compare to a Prince.

Griselle Amirr, The royal maid and also Grey's Twin sister. "Your father is the Emperor. You are a Prince."

"Father?" Theonesse only had one father. His sister said he will finally meet his dad and mom but he woke up in an unfamiliar world. He did not dare to think this is what heaven looks like because he witness how that man killed people like a demon.

He was scared of the Emperor. He reminds him of the bad people his sister once told him. The monsters who are selfish and apathetic.

"Claude Del Alger Obelia is the current Emperor and also your father."

"Who is my mother?"

The twins look at each other with nervous expression. "Your mother was the Emperor's consort, Her name's Diana. She was once a commoner and later entered the palace as a concubine."

Theonesse nodded even though he was not interested. He only loved his sister and his parents but now they were not with him. He can only love the people beside him.

He is bright child who can differentiate who's good and who's bad. The first time he open his eyes to this world, he can see nobody likes him— as if they hope he was dead. He hates those eyes who were full of hatreds.

When he was abandoned to the Cold Palace he felt sad because unlike him. His twin sister had someone who stood up for her and risk their life to take care of her. He doesn't know her name however he can still remember the royal maid's determination.

Nobody wants him so they throw him in the Cold Palace. There were barely maids, guards and butlers around. That was the place the hostages were taken. In 5 years old Theo's mind, he didn't deserve this kind of treatment. He knows he was not a bad child because his sister always praise him.

He cried after being left alone in abandoned room for hours yet nobody heard him. Until a certain Twins come across his room and began to take care of him. Even though they were aware he was an abandoned Prince, They choose stayed with him.

He feels happy with them. That's why if he can choose, he don't want the Emperor to be his father or the Consort to be his mother.

"Your highness?" He can hear Griselle's distress voice as she picked him up. "Are you hurt? Don't cry."

"Who do want me to kill?" I giggled at Grey's stern voice.

"You can't leave me, okey?"

Grey and Griselle's froze when they heard the prince's angel like voice. Grey smiled for the first time and Griselle's expression was undescribable.

They both slowly nodded accepting their fate.

Theonesse Del Alger Obelia Smiled widely. He finally understand what his sister told him before.

Smile even though it's hard because no matter what, There's always something you should be grateful.

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