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Athanasia grew taller than Theonesse. The crown princess was so happy she always carry the small prince on her back making her royal maid Lilian scold her.

It's been 5 years since the Theonesse met the Emperor.

Theonesse attitude and personality never changed which makes him more adorable and likeable. Felix become one of his victim and Lilian who loves to nag him together with Athanasia.

It's been peaceful and happy life for Theonesse. He already forgot his life before he met his sister and the Emperor.

"Papa!" Athanasia with her cute voice ran straight to her father's arms.

"Good morning, Your majesty." Theonesse smile gently and hold the Emperor's hand as a habit. The prince does not want to call him Father or Papa like Athanasia however he was now more willing to show his affection.

Claude on the other hands was quite disappointed. He didn't want to be greedy because it took him years before the Prince open up to him.

A lot of things happened and it was all painful. On bright side, it made the Royal Twins and Emperor closer.

The Emperor almost killed the royal physician when Athanasia coughed a blood. Theonesse's with his fragile heart cried when he saw Athanasia on bed unconscious.

He didn't slept even though they want him to rest. He loves his twin sister and he wants to be beside her. The Emperor had no choice but to use magic to make him separate with Athanasia.

He was grateful to Lucas for saving his sister that day. He didn't ask for compensation and continue to tease Athanasia. The powerful magician was surprisingly fond of his sister.

"Theo! Theo!"

"Athy? Athy?"

This scene made them all laugh especially Lilian and Felix. The two Royal Twins were opposites. Athanasia was always energetic and graceful while Theonesse was calm but clumsy.

"The princess wants you to pick you up, Your highness." Grey Amirr looks more handsome than before. He's already taller than average of Obelian men. Griselle beside him doesn't change a bit, She was still beautiful and a ray of sunshine.

"The prince might get hurt, Your highness."

"Don't worry!" Athanasia after having a magic lesson with Lucas was now stronger. Her confident eyes gives Theonesse and Lilian had no choice but to agree.

"The prince's condition." Felix who was watching the prince on Athanasia's back, slightly frowned. The young prince complexion was paler than before. "I'm worried the prince will—"

"Enough." Claude beside him expression was dark and murderous. "He is strong after all, he is my son."

"I apologize, Your majesty."

"Felix. Inform the royal bulter to prepare everything. Make sure they will keep the secret to their graves."

"I will do as you say, Your majesty."

There are only handful of people who are aware of prince's situations. Amirr twins — They are responsible for maintaining the safety of the prince.

The first time Amirr twins caught glimpse of baby prince. it was also a time when they witness the pitiful prince sobbing with his golden eyes. It made the two of them terrified however they were shocked when they realize the Prince sacrifice his magic to live.

The dying baby prince's awaken his magic unconciously. Saving his life in process of loosing his royal power permanently.

That time they swore to protect Theonesse and slowly they learned to love him as well. Theonesse was blessing to the lives of Amirr twins. His innocent soul and smart mind. He was everything like an angel.

Theonesse's life was in danger the moment he lost his royal magic. If the enemies found out he can't protect himself. They will risk everything to kill the Prince.

Amirr Twins won't let them.

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