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"The world has turned back to normal because of Project X. Project X was made for a doomsday situation, to reset our world, to cure it of its disease. Project X was made by the United States in the results of CWD and CDV as well as parasitic fungus. Project X was first developed back in 2023 and had been cultivated for 23 years before it had cured our world of the zombie apocalypse. It has been 20 years since that day the human population is once again rising to stable numbers. Let us all remember Project X and the two scientists who made it and fostered it."

I clench my hands as I watch the television and I throw back my head as I chug the whiskey down in one gulp. These people will know the true name of Project X and the family that he had. It was a pity on all of us.

A family was crumbling at the seams and the parents were going to be sent to jail, but with an offer they couldn't resist they gave their son to the Devil and the rest was history.

"Rein! You better be ready for the service!"

"I'm coming, Willow!"


"I'm here Jeremy."

A Far Leap Into the Fog: short storyWhere stories live. Discover now